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Common Bra Fitting Problems & Solutions

Revised April 11, 2013 by Celine the Bra Doctor

In my experience, more than 90% of women wear the wrong bra size. Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Many women also take several different bra sizes, depending on the shape, cut, fabric and brand of the bra. To add to the confusion, most women are not entirely symmetrical, meaning they may have uneven breasts – click here to read my blog on how to easily fix your uneven breasts.

Your shape is unique, making it sometimes difficult to find bras that are made in standard sizes. Many large-scale lingerie stores do not have experienced salespeople to help you find your best personal fit. Today I offer you one of the most common bra fitting problems, with tips on how to fix it. Over the next few blogs, you will find a comprehensive guide on how to diagnose and solve each fitting problem, along with some images that will demonstrate the proper or incorrect fitting for bras.

But first… In a previous blog, I asked you to try on each of your bras and go through a checklist of items to see if your bras were the wrong size. It’s fun to do this with your girlfriends too, and they can help you see things you can’t. If it doesn’t fit, or if the elastic is stretched out, toss it or even better – RECYCLE it! Ask yourself these questions when you try on each bra.

One of the most common issues with bra fitting is the cup size, which is what I’m going to cover in today’s blog. (You can read about how to fit your bra back and bra straps in Parts 2 & 3 of Common Bra Fitting Problems & Solutions.) I have seen some women with red lines underneath their arms and breasts from where their too-small underwires dug into them painfully. This is NO GOOD!

Time for a reality check. It’s normal to change sizes and shapes over time. If your bras don’t fit you, don’t keep buying the same size. I have actually met women who refused to wear D cups because in their minds, that was too big. Size doesn’t matter as long as you’re comfortable in your bra. Seriously. If you don’t like it, cut out the tags! It’s not worth walking around all day long in discomfort, not to mention unhealthy!

Here’s how to find out if your cup size is working for you. First, make sure the rest of your bra is properly adjusted to be able to evaluate. This is where the bra fitting checklist above can come in handy.

How do you know if your bra straps are adjusted properly? Adjust your straps until you can comfortably slip your index finger between them and your shoulders, and without the straps cutting into your finger or slipping off your shoulders when you remove your hand.

How do you adjust your bra back? Your bra back is adjusted when you are able to comfortably fasten it on the middle or loosest hooks of your bra back closure without any bunching or causing bumps and lumps to appear. When you lift your arms, your bra back should not lift up.

Now it’s time to check to see if your bra cups fit properly!

Once your bra straps and back are properly adjusted, you should notice that your bra cups lie flat against your breasts without any bunching or space between your breast and your bra cup. Your bra also should NOT be cutting into your breasts in front or at the sides to create an unattractive double-boob effect or overlap. Your underwire should contour and envelop the entirety of your breast tissue under your arms, and lie flat against your ribcage and breastbone.

You know your bra cups are TOO SMALL when…

You can visibly see your breasts spilling out of the top and/or sides of your bra. Never, ever wear a bra if the underwire cuts into you or leaves red marks on your breasts or under your arms when you remove your bra at night! Underwire that is painful usually signals that your bra cups are too small. This can cause you serious problems aside from discomfort, like cutting off your body’s natural circulation to the breast tissue.

If your bra cups are too small BUT your bra back fits, start by increasing your cup size by one (e.g. from A to B, B to C, etc.) or finding a bra style that offers a wider and more flexible underwire. Or, even go wire-free: contrary to what some of you ladies may believe, wire-free bras can have comparable comfort and support to an underwired bra.

You know your bra cups are TOO BIG when…

If you’re experiencing gapping or folds in the fabric of your bra cups BUT your bra back fits, this can signal that your cups are too big. There shouldn’t be any space between your bra cup and your breasts; your breasts should completely fill the space without any spillage. Your girls should never slip out from your bra when you move around or lift up your arms (this is uncomfortable, not to mention this can make for an embarrassing fashion mishap!).

To fix these bra fitting problems and to make sure your bra cups aren’t too small, try to go down a cup size, like from a C to a B, until the underwire fits more snugly and your bra fits against your breasts without causing discomfort or gaps. Use the guidelines above to make sure you  have a perfect fit.

More bra fitting tips!

Some women have come to me with their doctor’s advice not to wear underwire because it’s “unhealthy”. If you’ve heard this before, know that it’s mostly because women typically wear bras too small for them, which can cut off circulation to the surrounding lymphatic areas. Since your body needs to clear itself of its toxins, it is necessary to ensure proper and natural circulation, and squeezing your breasts into a small bra may prohibit your body’s natural functioning. As long as you are wearing the right size, and your breasts are being supported but not squished, wearing an underwired bra should not be a problem. Also make sure not to wear your bra 24 hours a day. It’s important to let them relax and “breathe”!

Always remember that you should do self breast exams periodically, but these should never replace regular breast exams with your doctor. Click here to view images from the American Cancer Society on how to conduct a self breast exam.

Stay tuned for the next installments of Bra Fitting Problems to learn how to fit your bra back and bra straps properly, and discover more helpful tips to find your perfect fit!

Need personalized help to diagnose your bra fitting problems? Want me to guide you to find the right bra size for you? Contact me! Comment here below, or email me personally at Plus, get more bra fitting tips by connecting with me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!

Celine, Your Bra Doctor




  • Cathy Fisher

    I’m small breasted & used to wear what they call Curves because my breasts are very small, but I do wear & measured at 34B, I’ve decided not to wear the curves anymore, because I’m not 52 yrs. old & making alot of changes in my life & I’m how god made me.
    I bought a Bra that is Fruit of the Loom & it has a little tiny bit of padding, believe not much, because that would defeat my purpose.
    Anyways, I tryed it on & it actually looks not only good, but more natural.
    The problem I’m having is the front wants to ride up & a friend of mine said to use the 3rd hooks & it still does it, I have tryed to up the straps & lower the straps & so far nothing is working.
    I do not need underwire, because like I said; “my breasts are very small(tiny)”. I’m 5’5 & weigh 116 lbs., so I’m a small frame body.

    Please help me, because I cannot take these back now, it is too late & I do like the way they make me look!

    Thank You;
    Cathy L. Fisher

  • admin

    Hi Cathy,

    Thanks for your question! Let me try to sort through some of what you wrote to make sure I understand how best to help you.

    You say you are petite and want a natural-looking bustline, which you hope to achieve with a bra that is lightly lined and forms well to you but does not have an extra push-up inside, and you’re having trouble because your bra wants to ride up whenever you move.

    I suggest checking out my article on how to measure your bra size to get a rough estimate of your size, versus what you are wearing now. Then we can determine whether or not your main issue is that you are wearing too big a back band (which may be why it rides up when you attach your bra at the tightest clasps), or that your cup size is incorrect. A common problem for small-framed women is that they tend to wear back bands that are too large – keep in mind a new bra should feel snug (not asphyxiating) when you attach it at the loosest closure. Lots of women who wear 34 really wear 32 or 30 as a back band size, for example, because of lack of availability of certain styles in 32A, 32B and 32C and so forth, like in large department stores (which tend to stock the more common sizes) or other places they may shop at; as well as not having the right help or professional bra fitting to pinpoint the size.

    You also mentioned not “needing” underwire – of course you may always opt to wear a wire-free bra (here are some styles I recommend), but underwire doesn’t have to be uncomfortable (in fact, when you’re wearing a properly fitting bra, you shouldn’t even be able to remember you have a bra on!). Underwires are there to help shape your breast into the cup like a frame; wire-free bras have stitching or underwire-like soft structure to do this instead. The cup and back band then work to help support and shape you within the cup.

    You can send me an e-mail with the results of your measuring once you`re done, or write me a comment here and I will get back to you with more specific help if I can.

    Hope this helps! Have a great day and speak to you soon.
    Bra Doctor

  • Janet Whittle

    I would like to know how to avoid my left breast from continually coming out of the cup, into the middle of my chest.
    The bra is underwired for the support as I have been measured at M&S as a 38F.
    What should I do? Buy a 40F or buy a 38G?
    Please help

  • admin

    Great question, Janet, thanks. To help you I need to know a few things more specifically:

    -What kind of bra style do you wear? (full cup bras, lower-cut (balconette or demi bra) bras, etc.)
    -On which bra back closure hooks do you fasten your bra? (loosest, middle, tightest)
    -How do you adjust your bra straps (typically tightly or loosely)? Do your straps cut into your shoulders?
    -Is it always the same breast coming out of the cup?
    -When you raise your arms above your head, do your breasts slip out of the cups and the bottom of your bra (or are your breasts visible in the mirror along the bottom when your arms are lifted)?

    Let me know, and I would be happy to give you more specific bra fitting help. You may also email me at


  • Kia Andrews

    I’ve been changing bra sizes every 6 months for about 4 years now. I was a 38c at first lost weight and changed to a 36c i started to notice the 36c not fitting properly it was loose around the band so i got fitted again at VS and she said i was a 34d i did not believe her because i didn’t think i was a d cup so she made my try on the 34d and it fitted great but i still didn’t believe her so she gave a 34c to try on i did and she came into the room and told me to bent over and my boobs almost pooped out so she said i for sure was a 34d 6 months after i wanted to get fitted again because i heard your supposed to go every 6 months so off i went to vs again to get fitted their was a different woman there not the same one i was used to and she looked young and she told me i was either a 34c or a 32d i got upset and told her i was here 6 months prior and i was told i was a 34d now i not sure if she is right or not because i don’t understand why i changed bra sizes all the time pretty soon i’ll be able to open a bra store up thats how many bras i have from changing sizes so often i even have many that have tags on them still and all of them are from VS i don’t know anymore my 34d still fits correctly so i don’t know if i should believe the fitter or just stay wearing a 34d i mean they still fit right. I’m just confused and tired of changing bra sizes and buying more bras

  • admin

    Hi Kia,

    Bra fitting can be difficult! I can help you better (and personally) if you email me at

    In order to find out your approximate bra size I need to know:

    1) where are you closing the back band?
    2) How tightly (or loosely) are you adjusting your straps?
    3) what style bra are you wearing? e.g. plunging, 3/4 coverage, etc.
    4) does the underwire in your bra completely encircle your breasts without causing bulges?
    5) when you lift up your arms does your bra stay in place or does it ride up in front or in back?

    You can also go to this page to see how to measure your bra size:

    It sounds like you are between a 32D and a 34D but your size will also depend on the brand you are purchasing. Note that your bra size can change often if you are losing weight, and even may fluctuate monthly depending on your menstruation cycle. And some brands and styles aren’t for everyone. Maybe you should try a different brand or bra style. I’d be happy to help via email or phone, toll-free 1-855-521-4244.

    Celine your Bra Doctor

  • Linda

    I would like to find an everyday bra, full cup, non-wired and slightly padded but I am really struggling to find one that fits. I’ve tried 34B 34C 36A and none of them fit and I am struggling to know which size to try next.

    The last one I tried was the 34C but that was far too tight around my body (as they all have been) and the cups came slightly too far up under my arms. I don’t know which size to try next and I am getting desperate as I haven’t a decent bra to my name. I would be really grateful if you could give me some advice.

    Thank you.

  • admin

    Hi Linda, thank you for commenting on my blog. I have replied via personal email to you but have copied the message here in case you read it first.

    When you tried those sizes and they did not fit, were they all the same style?

    34b and 36a have the same cup size but in the 36 the band is a little wider. As for 34c the cups are bigger.

    The idea is to find out what size fits you best.

    Okay here goes: In the 34 band was the band tight? Did the breast tissue come out?

    If you would be able to answer these questions, it would greatly help in finding an appropriate size and in that manner a style that would be convenient for you.

    At this time our best sellers and what I feel would be appropriate are the following styles:

    I already have a pretty good idea but will wait for your response.

  • Kelli

    This did not really address my problem, which is the extra space/bunching of the cups at the top. I am smaller chested (size 34B or 36A usually, god do I miss the half sizes), and my problem is that some bras that are the same size and brand as ones that fit will have puckering or bunching in the top of the cup. I assume it is because I am not a ‘full’ cup in my bras, but why does it happen with only some and is there a way to fix it? Do I need to tighten the straps or something? It is usually evident under the shirt I am wearing so I try to keep these bras for times of the month when my breasts feel a bit fuller, but they pucker even then.


  • admin

    Hi Kelli,

    Thanks for your question! I will include this topic in a later blog in more detail, but for now here are a few tips. I can help you more thoroughly if you want, you can email me at

    There are two aspects to puckering cups in your case, and in the case of many petite women I’ve fitted over the years. Tightening the straps can help, but are probably not the solution. And I don’t suggest adjusting your straps too tightly – it’s not good for your shoulders and the back band will rise up.

    One is the size of course – depending on the brand, style and fabric you get, sizing can be different and one 36A is not necessarily like another brand’s 36A. As well, your sizing will vary in different types of bras (e.g. wire-free vs. underwire, padded vs. unpadded). When you wear a 34B or your 36A, where are you closing your back band? What bra style are you wearing, and what brand(s)? Knowing what you’re wearing now will also give me a better idea of the size you would take in any bra I would recommend for you.

    The second aspect is the style. For more petite women (but this is also true of women whose breasts may seem to hang lower) there will often be puckering and emptiness along the top of the cup when you are wearing a bra style that is fuller. A quick way to find out if this is the case, is to try a demi-cup bra or balconette style bra, which offer half or three-quarter (respectively) coverage of your breasts. These bra styles, because of their lower cut, will take the fullest part of your breast (at the bottom) and lift it naturally (even without padding) to fill more of the cup. If you’re already trying this type of bra style and the problem is persisting, then I can help you more specifically via email or on the phone to ask you more questions and offer suggestions.

    Here’s a lower-cut bra style by Triumph that is a big hit with my petite customers (it’s only slightly padded for lift but does not noticeably increase your size so looks more natural), the straps are convertible and the bra is completely seamless):

    I can help guide your bra shopping on Now That’s Lingerie any time because I know how each style fits and can compare sizing across brands. You can also reach me, toll-free, at 1-855-521-4244 (if you’re from US & Canada).

  • Jessica

    Hi I have a question, I have trouble wearing a bra. They fit nicely but if I leave the bra on too long it starts to make me feel like I can’t breathe and it leaves a horrible red line on my chest, even if I put the bra on the very last clasp. what do i do?

  • admin

    Hi Jessica, thanks so much for your question! I often hear women telling me about their bras leaving red marks behind, and that’s a sure warning sign that your bra doesn’t fit! I’m very happy that you realize it and are ready to do something about it!

    It’s one that I’ve received many times from my customers. What bra size are you currently wearing? It seems as though you are wearing a bra band that is too tight for you and perhaps your bra cups are too small as well. The two – cups and back – go hand in hand in terms of bra fitting, and if one doesn’t fit properly, chances are the other doesn’t either. I can suggest trying a bigger back band (which may also change your cup size and make it a bit bigger), or attaching a little bra back extender to the back of your bra (which will keep your cup size consistent) to instantly widen your bra back from 1 to 3 extra inches. However without knowing how your cups fit, it’s hard to recommend which option will be best suited for your needs.

    Here is a link to the bra back extender to give you an idea of what this little wonderful attachment can do for you:

    Don’t hesitate to contact me for a personal consultation via email or to set up a bra fitting appointment over the phone:

  • Michelle Green

    I am a very large breasted woman and HATE trying to find a bra that actually fits- I was wearing a 50DDD bra and the cups were too small- i was coming out the sides- so I just got a 18 hour 52DDD bra- the cups pucker now and i have it on the first hook- so it is a little tight- would a bra extender help? What bra size would you reccomend??

  • admin

    Hi Michelle, thanks for your question!

    The answer on your size depends on whether the brand you purchased the 50DDD bra was the same as the 52DDD bra, as some brands may have different perspectives regarding the sizing.

    Also ensure that you adjusted your bras properly in back and at the straps, so try this first. Make sure your straps are properly adjusted and your breasts are ALL the way inside the cups – lean forward when putting on your bra and this will help straighten out most puckering. Adjust your straps so they are neither digging into nor falling down your shoulders. Your back band should be straight not pinching (too small) nor lifting up (too big) in back. Stand up straight. What do you see?

    With what you said so far, it may be that the 50DDD you purchased felt small also because of the fact that the back band was too small. While the 52DDD will increase your cup size slightly, it will also make your back band larger. If your 52 is still small in back, but the cups are ok and you are hooking your back closure at the loosest, try a bra back extender. If your cups are too big but the back is too small try a 54DD, which will have cups approximately equivalent to the 52DDD but with a bit wider back band.

    I hope this helps! Please don’t hesitate to contact me for a personal consultation via email or to set up a bra fitting appointment over the phone:

  • Sanah

    I’ve always had problems with bra size since I have so small boobs.. I’m currently using 70A (European Size) cause it feels most comfortable but I know it’s still not right. Either some of them cut into my chest under the breasts or some leave space in the top of the cups. I’ve tried using 75A too but that cause way to big of a gap in the bra. I usually try to tighten the straps but it don’t seem to help. I messure 69-70 cm ish under the boobs and 79 over. Any idea what to do?

  • Mel

    I need some help!!

    My breasts are not the same size – left being larger than right. I wear a 40 C but my left (larger) breasts continually slips out of the top of my bra. Its embarassing to always bave to put it back where it goes. There is a ton of room in the right side (it being about an A) so I add a water/gel-filled pad inside of the right side. Do you have any suggestions? Or places that will make a custom bra for someone like me?

  • Kim

    I have never been able find a nice fitting bra. I was at VS last week and they sent me home with 34DDD. I am so uncomfortable now I can’t wait to get home. The underwire is way past the breast – straps are too far apart and the cups gape. I am not tall 5’4. This underwire is killing under my breasts as well. Continuouslt adjusting. The cups seem too far apart. I have read a petite bra might help. Suggestions???

  • admin

    Hi Sanah, thanks for your question and sorry for the delay in replying.

    It sounds like the depth of the cups in your A cup bras are still too big and are causing gaps and discomfort. To be honest I think you would be best off in either:
    a) a wire-free bra made for Petites which will address this common bra fitting problem, like the 3020 padded wire-free bra by Triumph (it’s one of our bestsellers for Petites):

    b) a demi bust bra without padding and with a wider and more flexible underwire, without deep cups, like this Brigitte bra:

    You can also fill the gaps in your cups by trying a bra pad like one of these:

    I am also happy to help you personally with other suggestions and explanations on the phone or by email:

  • admin

    Hi Mel, thanks for your question!

    It’s very common for differently sized cups and not fun when you’re uncomfortable. Where are you closing your bra in back? It sounds like you need a new bra with a style that is more accommodating for your larger C or D cup breast! Usually I would suggest a bra with pockets inside where you can add a silicone/water/gel pad on the right side more comfortably. You can put the bra pads that come with the bra both inside the smaller side, then add your extra water/silicone/gel pad inside as well.

    However this may not always be comfortable for you, so there’s no harm in trying a custom bra made for your specific needs. For this, I do suggest finding a local bra store who can take the measurements on the spot, but there may be some online custom bra designers who can help you (a quick search should yield good results).

    You can also reach me by email or on the phone and I can help guide you further. Thanks again for your question!

  • admin

    Hi Kim, thanks for asking!

    First things first… TAKE OFF YOUR BRA!!! NEVER wear a bra that doesn’t fit properly, causes pain or discomfort either on your breasts, back, ribcage or shoulders.

    I think that they definitely sized you badly at Victoria’s Secret, and also that their bra styles are not accommodating for you and your needs. Please keep in mind they also have a limited size range and don’t have bras with a 32 back band size with the cup size you require (from what you’re saying, it sounds like you may need a 32F, but I would need more info before being able to say for sure).

    Some issues you seem to be having with your current bra include: straps that are not entirely adjustable to accommodate your shorter height (so they may slide off your shoulders), a back band that is too big and may not support you (most of the support comes from the back band), underwire that is too wide and a cup shape that is not accommodating for you.

    Also you mentioned trying a Petite bra but this usually means bras in an A or B cup, so it doesn’t sound like this would be a solution.

    I would love to help you further especially concerning the SIZE you truly need. Please contact me at so we can talk about more specific ways to find the right bras for you!!!

    Thanks again and speak to you soon.

  • Emma

    Only 16, but i always have trouble buying bras, as i have a 66cm ribcage but i am not flat chested. I often wear a 32 c or 30 d with the bra fitting fine on the cups, not gaping, not falling over, but the bras dig in leaving painful marks under my arm pit from the under wire. I went to get ‘fitted’ and was put in a 34b but the under wire digging under my bra was even worse , and moving my shoulders forwards caused the outside of the bra to ‘fold’ inwards. The most comfortable bra I own is a 30c but that is a bit small on the cups (when I wear a t- shirt some falls breast is over the top of the bra, a four boob look). I have tried several brands in sizes, ranging from a 28 d which was so comfortable under the arms to a 34 b hideous! Giving up going to get fitted as they put me in a 34 b or 32 c ( in vs) bra I try it on and its riding up on the back, when i lift my arms up he band rises up with me with breast underneath, and the band can be pulled back a long way, I know it’s just not right, they say try a smaller band size but no one in the uk does anything in a 30 or 28 past a or b( VS doesn’t)! My measurement over bust is 82cm. What’s my correct size, help!!

  • admin

    Hi Emma,

    Thanks for your comment, what a great question. Sounds like you need a 28DD or a 30DD (with a smaller fitting band size). When your bra digs in where the underwire is under your arms that means the cup size is too small for you. Don’t forget though, that the quest for a proper fitting bra is not just about finding your size. You need to make sure you have the right style for your shape as well. You may need to try a bra that has a wider and more generous underwire (even two bras in 28DD can fit differently depending on the shape/style of the bra). I can suggest a few things. Curvy Kate makes bras in your size (28 band size) with underwire. Or you can try a wire-free bra in your size from Royce Lingerie (they come in a 28 band size).

    You can check out bras in a 28DD here:
    and in 30DD:

    Please keep in mind Emma that since you are young, your breasts will likely keep changing size and shape. I really prefer the idea of you wearing a wire-free bra or a bra with a flexible underwire to make sure that you’re not causing any extra compression to your breasts with ill-fitting underwire.

    You can always contact me for personal help, I’m here for you!

  • Meg

    I have trouble fitting bras due to several factors, the first being a concave ribcage, a cup size midway between C and D, and bottom heavy breasts after an augmentation. Any suggestion for finding a bra that fits as no bras have the possibility of laying flat against my chest? C’s spill and often barely cover the nipple area, D’s gap where the strap meets the shoulder and pucker near the center wires where the bra can not lay flat (I’ll admit to sometimes bending the wires a bit inwards here to force a better fit with my ribcage).

  • admin

    Hi Meg, thanks for your comment. Truthfully I think you’d be better off without any wire at all. Bending the wire a bit can help but only if you’re wearing the right size. Sounds like you’re in between cup sizes and for your health and comfort I recommend a wire-free bra. There are lots of sexy styles too with lace you can try (this one is a fun style and low neckline:

    You can browse our wire-free bra styles here:

    I can even make a few suggestions for you personally if you’d like to contact me at

  • Michele

    I was brought to tears today with my bra fitting problems. I have bought bras from 36 a- d to 42 a- d’s. literally. I just bought 42 c’s and they still ride up in front and feel like I’m trussed up like a turkey. The straps are on the longest they can be and feel short. I hook the bras in the middle. If I buy a d, the cups look like they need darts to finish closing them on top. I’m so uncomfortable. I wear sport bra type bras to work so I can get through the day without thinking about my bra. I’m going on a trip, ( if you respond, you will probably be to late to help me for it as I’m leaving in two days) but hope fully for the future your advice will help. I want to not look like “droopy drawers”. I know I need more support than a sports bra. Underwire here I come! So knowing I gained weight, and I probably needed to go up in size, I bought the 42’s. still ride up, straps are short and feel confined. I’m a mess. Please help!

  • admin

    Hi Michele, sounds like you need my personal touch to get your bra size in order. I’d love to help you more, if you email me personally at then I’m sure I can find you something for your specific needs.

    In general, but I can’t be sure without asking you more questions, it sounds like you’re experiencing these issues:

    1) your bra back is too big
    2) the bra styles you’re choosing have straps which are too short for your body
    3) you cup size is too big
    4) you need a new bra style too

    If you contact me we can choose some styles together that would be better for you!
    Thanks for getting in touch, Michele, and hope you enjoyed your trip. 🙂

  • Chastidey

    I’m a 42f and I’m 17 years old. It feels really good and I can do jumping jacks without a black eye so that is extremely good. I was wondering that whenever I am laying on my bed if it is just because my boon is big and squishy that it’s normal but my boon falls half way out of the cup. There is no space when standing and no spillage. I was fitted professionally but I didn’t have to worry about laying down until later.

  • Lucy

    Hello, I am 18 years old and I was previously measured a 32DD. I have been experiencing some issues with my bra’s as my boobs tend to fall out of the top of the bra. I also sometimes get red marks left underneath my boobs and very rarely, my back. I was measured again and I was told I am a 34E, however there is space left to fill in the cups. What should I do about this?

  • Rachel

    Hello! I typically wear 36C, but am finding a lot of discomfort with my bra. I seems to always ride up in the front and the straps are too long even though they are pulled as tight as they can be. Also, it seems that I can always see a bra line at the top of the bra through my shirt. I am guessing this is a size problem.. too small, too big? Thanks so much!!

  • Jessixa

    Hi. I am between a 34D /DD. when I wear the D cup my boobs want 2 pop out the sides & sometimes the top. But when I wear the DD they stay in but it gaps under my arm & is really uncomfortable. Any suggestions???

  • admin

    Chastidey, it’s normal for your breasts to move around when you are lying down, because gravity and the weight of your breast will slip slightly out of your bra cup at the top of they’re not contained at the top. If you’re concerned about your breasts falling out of your bra cups when you’re lying down, maybe you can try a fuller cup style that covers more of the breast, and has an elastic edging along the top of the cup to help keep your breasts in place.

    You can check here for some fuller support bras that should do the trick (did I mention they’re also really pretty?):

    I can suggest some for you if you email me at

  • admin

    Hi Lucy, you need a 34DD, which has a cup size equivalent to a 32DDD except that the 34 is a little bigger around. 34DD is a size between 32DD and 34E. a 34E is actually two cup sizes bigger than a 32DD, which is why it’s too big. You can also probably fit into a 32E in some cases, which is like a 34DD in the cups but will have a smaller band size.

  • admin

    Hi Rachel, I think your bra back is too big and your cups are too small. Try a 34D for starters, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you needed a small 34DD instead. Also for the straps try a style with a slide adjuster that goes along the entirety of the strap and not just the back of the strap. Once you correct your bra size issue, your back won’t ride up and you won’t feel the need to adjust your straps so tightly either; plus your bra cups will sufficiently cover your breasts and won’t leave that line! I can help you find a style that works for you if you email me at 🙂

  • admin

    Absolutely, Jessixa. Try a 32E, which is like a 34DD in the cup but is the size directly between a 34D and 34DD. If you find the 32 bra back slightly too tight but the cups fit perfectly, try a bra back extender:

    You can check out some gorgeous 32E bras here:

  • jill

    Bra does not lay flat at sternum, what do I do?

  • Aquaria

    It’s amazing what a good bra fitting will do.

    My mother was no help when I became bra age. She bought what she “thought” I was (B cup), no measuring, no nothing. My grandmother told her, measure the girl–her bras fit awful! She was a G, so she knew about good fitting bras. As an adult, I kept buying B cups because I didn’t know any better, but there were a lot of familiar complaints that made bras torture devices to me.

    In 1981, at the ripe old age of 19, I got tired of never having a bra that fits, and finally went to the old school/old lady lingerie store in my town, because they couldn’t possibly make things worse. They were my last hope, or I was chucking the things for good.

    The clerk (54, blue hair, tape measure around her neck, cigarette in her mouth or her free hand) pegged my size with one look, but measured anyway, to be sure, since it was tough to tell, “with them squished around like that.”

    That first DD bra she put on me, I was in HEAVEN. There was no uniboob, no fat oozing out the back, no oozing out the sides or smashing in the front. I wasn’t tugging at the straps constantly to get the right fit, too tight, too loose, never right. My back, neck, shoulders and armpits–no pain! Most amazing of all, the dreaded underwires did NOT dig into me, at long last.

    I was nearly crying at how wonderful it felt. The old woman waiting on me was sympathetic and said, “It must feel good for those double-Ds to be themselves at last. Now don’t you coop them up anymore, y’hear?”

    Oh, hell, no! Never again!

  • admin

    You’re SO right, Aquaria! I agree, obviously, that a properly fitting bra makes all the difference. It’s incredible how many women are still wearing the wrong size! In terms of bad bras, there are two categories of women: those who know they are wearing the wrong size and actively seek help to find the right bra, and those who know they are wearing the wrong size but continue to do so anyway. I think it’s so important to wear bras that fit! I love personally helping women find their perfect fitting bra, because it’s difficult for a woman with minimal knowledge about bra styles, bra brands and sizing, to do so all by herself. Thanks for helping raise awareness about how AMAZING it is to finally wear the RIGHT BRA SIZE!!! 🙂

  • C-jay

    How would I know if my bra is cutting off circulation?! It feels a bit tight on my back, just on my back.. Nowhere else

  • krk


    I have a question regarding the padded and unpadded bra. I wear 34c bra. the unpadded bra fits very nicely to me but when I went for the padded bra in same size my boobs are coming out from between. it was like if I bent half of then are out of the cup from between. Other than that the bra fits nicely. the bra starp are fine and the back too as u suggested. its just the cup size. I tried the bigger size of the cup also but its again the same scene. need help…

  • lany

    I went in for a bra fitting…they told me I am a 42H…ok, I can live with that. But I have YET to find a great bra that makes my boobs look amazing! All I’m asking is for one that gives me great cleavage…that lifts them up and out. I hate that most of the bras out there are minimizing and make my chest look wider…help me please!

  • Sherry


    My name is Sherry and i really need your help. I think i’m wearing the wrong bag size and it gets really annoying and i do hope you can give me some recommendations which will help me and i’ll more than appreciate that

    So i’ve been to Victoria Secret to get measured and the assistant there said that i’m a 36C but i felt so uncomfortable wearing that bra cause i felt as if the band was too big and the cups were too small.I then went back to Victoria Secret a several months later and another assistant told me im a 36D which is still very uncomfortable cause i have to tug the straps constantly to get the right fit .

    So i decided to stop buying bras from Victoria Secret and start getting bras from H&M which is 34D but i still think the cups are a little small so maybe im a 34DD?? I’m baffled

    Thanks for viewing my email, i hope to hear from you soon. I do appreciate your valuable time

    Yours Truly,

  • Megan

    What causes my bra cups to “fold over” the bra band. It does not have an underwire and is lightly padded.
    I am wearing a 34 band which is probably too small based on the red lines I get and a b cup which appears to fit well based on your guidelines.
    I have the straps as tight as I can get them to try to prevent the fold over and they too cause red lines. I can’t get the straps any tighter without being very uncomfortable.
    I can’t find anything about this fold over problem which I encountered with several different styles.

  • admin

    Hi C-Jay, if your bra is cutting off circulation you may not necessarily have overt symptoms. Some women feel pain, a tenseness in shoulders/back or muscles when you wear your bra, which could indicate that there is not a good circulation going on in those areas.

    If your bra back is a bit too snug, but your cups fit well (they don’t hurt, irritate, leave red marks, etc.) try a bra back extender as a quick and inexpensive fix.

    However to be on the safe side I recommend checking off my Bra Fitting Checklist to ensure that you ARE wearing the right size for both the cups AND the back. Sometimes if you feel a tightness in the back, it could also be due to an incorrect bra cup size.

    Let me know if you need help:

  • admin

    Sometimes padded bras fit a bit more snugly than non-padded bras, especially if there is a type of push-up padding or add-a-size padding in the bra.

    But sizing also depends on the brand, fabric, level of padding, and sizing guidelines for that specific company.

    It could also be a matter of bra shape – maybe the V/plunging style of padded bra you are wearing is not convenient for your particular breast shape. If this is happening it could be that you need a different shaped bra, like a balcony bra or demi bra style, which exposes more of the top part of your breasts, rather than between them, and lifts at the same time. This cut is pretty much universally flattering.

    If you want personal help shopping, email me at

  • admin

    Hi Lany! For this type of request, I’d rather discuss my personal selections with you via email, so we can go more in depth about your tastes and bra fitting needs. You can e-mail me at

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Pingback: The Mystery of Underwire « Bra Doctor Blog on January 29, 2010

Pingback: Common Bra Fitting Problems & Solutions, Part 3: The Straps « Bra Doctor Blog on January 29, 2010

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Pingback: Bra Fitting Guide: How To Find Your True Bra Size And Choose The Best Bras For Your Body - The Fun Times Guide to Beauty and Personal Care on January 29, 2010

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