Bras are made up of a lot of parts; there’s no denying that.
Part of what deters people from falling in love with bras is they haven’t found one that’s comfortable, or that feels as good as it looks. We want to change that for you, and turn you into lingerie lovers!
Chances are, if you are having issues with your bra, it could be one of these five bra fitting problems that most people have.
If you’re having other problems with your bras, let us know! We’re happy to chat in the comments, and our Bra Doctor is available if you want more one-on-one help.
1] The Band Is Too Tight

The band is one of the most important parts of your bra. You may not have known, but that’s where the majority of your support is.
Your band needs to lay straight across your back. If you notice your band rides up, that means your bra is too small. If the cups feel good, go up a band size. Bra back extenders are great when you need just a tiny bit of extra room.
When it comes to the tightness of your band, you should only be able to fit two fingers between the band and your back. If you have too much space, it’s time to go down a band size. If it’s hard to get anything between that gap, you need to go up!
2] The Cups Aren’t Quite Right

If you’re slipping on your shirt and noticing it looks like you have four boobs, your cups are too small. Cups that are too small will hurt your breasts. Go up a cup size, and go down a band size if you find the bra too loose afterwards.
Your cups should hug your breasts gently. If there are gaps at the top of the cups, you have way too much room in there. If you have too much room in your cups, they won’t offer you the support you want out of a bra.
3] The Underwire Hurts

Contrary to popular belief, underwire is NOT supposed to hurt!
Underwire is meant to help shape your bust and give it lift. It should contour the bottom of your breasts from the inside of the armpit right to the middle. If you find your underwire digs in, try going up a band size. If you find your underwire rides up the middle of your breasts when you move, your bra is most likely too small.
If you just REALLY can’t do underwire, that’s okay! There are lots of non-wired options that will work for you no matter your breast size. Remember when we said the main source of support is the band? You don’t need wire if you really don’t want it.
Some bras also come with partial wire or non-metal wire for a happy medium.
4] You’re Forgetting The Straps

When you put on your bra and notice the straps are a bit loose, what do you do? Most of you will probably say nothing, and then you’re digging into your shirt all day pulling your straps back up.
Straps are also an important part of your bra’s support, and they don’t always stay put. You want to adjust your straps every now and then so they stay in place, but also help keep your boobs lifted. This way, your straps also won’t dig into your shoulders. If you find your straps are causing you pain, you should loosen them, but you can also look into shoulder cushions for extra relief.
If your straps break, it doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to your bra! You can also try replacing them with straps from other bras or invisible straps.
5] It Just Doesn’t …. Work.

Finding the right style that makes you happy to look at, but also makes your breasts happy, isn’t always something that happens overnight. It might take some shopping trials and errors to know whether or not you’re more of a demi-cup lover or a bralette enthusiast. While there are certain bra styles that are ideal for the perfect wardrobe, you have to stick with what works for YOU and your unique body.
Once again, we’re always here if you have any more specific questions!
Do you have a favorite style of bra?
Let us know in the comments below!
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Until next time,
All Bra Doctor’s Blog content is the sole property of Now That’s Lingerie. We do not authorize any republishing of our content for any reason, with or without credit.
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