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Common Bra Fitting Problems & Solutions

Revised April 11, 2013 by Celine the Bra Doctor

In my experience, more than 90% of women wear the wrong bra size. Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Many women also take several different bra sizes, depending on the shape, cut, fabric and brand of the bra. To add to the confusion, most women are not entirely symmetrical, meaning they may have uneven breasts – click here to read my blog on how to easily fix your uneven breasts.

Your shape is unique, making it sometimes difficult to find bras that are made in standard sizes. Many large-scale lingerie stores do not have experienced salespeople to help you find your best personal fit. Today I offer you one of the most common bra fitting problems, with tips on how to fix it. Over the next few blogs, you will find a comprehensive guide on how to diagnose and solve each fitting problem, along with some images that will demonstrate the proper or incorrect fitting for bras.

But first… In a previous blog, I asked you to try on each of your bras and go through a checklist of items to see if your bras were the wrong size. It’s fun to do this with your girlfriends too, and they can help you see things you can’t. If it doesn’t fit, or if the elastic is stretched out, toss it or even better – RECYCLE it! Ask yourself these questions when you try on each bra.

One of the most common issues with bra fitting is the cup size, which is what I’m going to cover in today’s blog. (You can read about how to fit your bra back and bra straps in Parts 2 & 3 of Common Bra Fitting Problems & Solutions.) I have seen some women with red lines underneath their arms and breasts from where their too-small underwires dug into them painfully. This is NO GOOD!

Time for a reality check. It’s normal to change sizes and shapes over time. If your bras don’t fit you, don’t keep buying the same size. I have actually met women who refused to wear D cups because in their minds, that was too big. Size doesn’t matter as long as you’re comfortable in your bra. Seriously. If you don’t like it, cut out the tags! It’s not worth walking around all day long in discomfort, not to mention unhealthy!

Here’s how to find out if your cup size is working for you. First, make sure the rest of your bra is properly adjusted to be able to evaluate. This is where the bra fitting checklist above can come in handy.

How do you know if your bra straps are adjusted properly? Adjust your straps until you can comfortably slip your index finger between them and your shoulders, and without the straps cutting into your finger or slipping off your shoulders when you remove your hand.

How do you adjust your bra back? Your bra back is adjusted when you are able to comfortably fasten it on the middle or loosest hooks of your bra back closure without any bunching or causing bumps and lumps to appear. When you lift your arms, your bra back should not lift up.

Now it’s time to check to see if your bra cups fit properly!

Once your bra straps and back are properly adjusted, you should notice that your bra cups lie flat against your breasts without any bunching or space between your breast and your bra cup. Your bra also should NOT be cutting into your breasts in front or at the sides to create an unattractive double-boob effect or overlap. Your underwire should contour and envelop the entirety of your breast tissue under your arms, and lie flat against your ribcage and breastbone.

You know your bra cups are TOO SMALL when…

You can visibly see your breasts spilling out of the top and/or sides of your bra. Never, ever wear a bra if the underwire cuts into you or leaves red marks on your breasts or under your arms when you remove your bra at night! Underwire that is painful usually signals that your bra cups are too small. This can cause you serious problems aside from discomfort, like cutting off your body’s natural circulation to the breast tissue.

If your bra cups are too small BUT your bra back fits, start by increasing your cup size by one (e.g. from A to B, B to C, etc.) or finding a bra style that offers a wider and more flexible underwire. Or, even go wire-free: contrary to what some of you ladies may believe, wire-free bras can have comparable comfort and support to an underwired bra.

You know your bra cups are TOO BIG when…

If you’re experiencing gapping or folds in the fabric of your bra cups BUT your bra back fits, this can signal that your cups are too big. There shouldn’t be any space between your bra cup and your breasts; your breasts should completely fill the space without any spillage. Your girls should never slip out from your bra when you move around or lift up your arms (this is uncomfortable, not to mention this can make for an embarrassing fashion mishap!).

To fix these bra fitting problems and to make sure your bra cups aren’t too small, try to go down a cup size, like from a C to a B, until the underwire fits more snugly and your bra fits against your breasts without causing discomfort or gaps. Use the guidelines above to make sure you  have a perfect fit.

More bra fitting tips!

Some women have come to me with their doctor’s advice not to wear underwire because it’s “unhealthy”. If you’ve heard this before, know that it’s mostly because women typically wear bras too small for them, which can cut off circulation to the surrounding lymphatic areas. Since your body needs to clear itself of its toxins, it is necessary to ensure proper and natural circulation, and squeezing your breasts into a small bra may prohibit your body’s natural functioning. As long as you are wearing the right size, and your breasts are being supported but not squished, wearing an underwired bra should not be a problem. Also make sure not to wear your bra 24 hours a day. It’s important to let them relax and “breathe”!

Always remember that you should do self breast exams periodically, but these should never replace regular breast exams with your doctor. Click here to view images from the American Cancer Society on how to conduct a self breast exam.

Stay tuned for the next installments of Bra Fitting Problems to learn how to fit your bra back and bra straps properly, and discover more helpful tips to find your perfect fit!

Need personalized help to diagnose your bra fitting problems? Want me to guide you to find the right bra size for you? Contact me! Comment here below, or email me personally at Plus, get more bra fitting tips by connecting with me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!

Celine, Your Bra Doctor




  • Karen

    Thanks so much.

  • Alice

    Hello, my problem is that everytime I raise my arms to grab something high up or just in general, the bottom (underneath my breasts) of my sports bra rises up to where a big gap forms and I can see through it. Does this mean I need a bigger size of bra? It really annoys me and when I get Christmas money this year I’m planning on going back to the store and actually getting a size bigger and getting a regular bra instead of sorts bras. Is this what I should do or? I’m 16 by the way.

  • admin

    Hello Alice,
    Thank you so much for reaching out to us. The reason why your band rises up is because it is too big. You need to decrease the number from 38 to 36 and so forth. Would you be able to let me know the exact size you are wearing? It would help me give you an indication as to what size you require. It is certain that the bra you are currently wearing it too big. Looking forward to your answer. Celine

  • yvette

    hello, i am not sure what is wrong. i am a plus size women and trying to find the right bra size. i never get the right store with the right person to size me nor am i able to get it right when i do it myself. i current wear a 44c but i have problems with the bra back to not raise up but it curls into my fat LOL. i am not sure if i need a bigger size or is it just because of my size? thank you in advance.

  • admin

    Hello Yvette,
    Thank you so much for contacting us. I hope all is well.

    If the band raises up say when you lift your arms, it means that the band is too big. If you hook your bra at the loosest hook and it is comfortable then your size is 44. Now if the band curls into the side it means that you need a bra style with a longer side like the following style It is not necessarily the size you need to change but the style. I welcome any questions you may have so don’t hesitate to contact me. Have a great day. Celine

  • emz

    Help – tall woman with miniature fried eggs here (currently wearing 34A). I find that when standing up straight shoulders back that everything fits right. However the minute I recline or lean over I have problems with the cups gaping. If I tighten the straps then everything is fine for a few mins until the wire rides up as there’s just not enough there to hold it in place, but if not tight enough I might as well not bother. Also with padded bras I sometimes find my nipples so close to the top that I don’t feel secure. It would be nice to find something that doesn’t make me feel like a boy but doesn’t risk ‘exposure’.

  • admin

    Hello Emz,
    Thank you for contacting us.
    Basically in order to increase cleavage I would recommend a push up bra which means that at the base of the cup there is a bump pad that lifts the breast tissue. You mentioned that sometimes your nipples are close to the top and you don’t feel secure. I need to address the issue with the band first. If you hook your bra to the loosest or middle than your band is 34, however if you hook your bra to the tightest I absolutely recommend you trying a padded 32B bra. If the 34A is the proper band than I feel that the cups of the bras you are wearing maybe a little big so you would actually need a bra is made a little smaller in the cups. Would you be able to let me know first which hook you close your bra? Thanks and have a great day. Celine

  • Ria

    Hi the problem I’m having I the extra material at the front on the bra rolls up under my breast from time to time. I prefer bras with that extra bit of material at the front but why does it roll up

  • admin

    Hello Ria,
    Thank you for contacting us. If you are referring to the center gore which is the material that lies flat on your breast bone it means that the band is too big. What size are you currently wearing? If the band is the correct size then it won’t roll up. If you are able to let me know the size, I will be more than happy to suggest the correct sizing. Looking forward to your response. Have a great day. Celine

  • Ria

    I wear between 32-36DDD or FF depending on where I get it from and style, and weight gain and loss. I think the band of currently wear now is 32&34DDD. I wear bra extensions if I have to.

  • Ruthjane

    Hello, my problem is with the underwire cutting into the skin under my breasts. I was recently fitted with a 34D. The cups fit perfectly and are supportive but it is so uncomfortable because of the underwire. Help!

  • admin

    Hello Ria,

    Thank you for responding so quickly. I can understand from your explanation that you wear different sizes and styles because of weight gain and loss. The issue you described in the initial comment indicates that somes bras may be a little bit bigger in the band which is why the band is rolls up. If you wear bra extensions this will make the band even wider. Which bra size would you say is the most comfortable without the extensions? I am trying to figure out the closest if not the best size for you. Have a great day. Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • Ria

    A 34DDD

  • admin

    Hello Ruthjane,
    Thank you for reaching out to us. I have 3 questions. Which hook do you close your bra in the back, the loosest, middle or tightest hook? Do you experience this issue with all your bras? Last question, when you raise your arms, does the band move?
    Please let me know.
    Have a wonderful day Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • Ruthjane Willow

    Hi Celine,
    Thanks for getting back to me. I have the bra on the loosest hook. I do have this problem with all my bras even the non-underwire ones. By the afternoon I feel like the bra is cutting me in half. When I raise my arms, the band does not move. I was recently refit and they said I should go from a 36C to a 34D underwire. It supports great and looks better than my non-underwire bras, but is not very comfortable.
    Thanks for any advice you can give.

  • kim

    I always wear push up bras which is either 34b or 32c. my problem is that im afraid that its too big for me bc when im sitting or standing ul straight, the cups fit me perfectly. however if i hunch over or lean over to one side, there are gaps. should i change to a smaller size

  • admin

    Hello Ruthjane,

    Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.
    In the first email the issue was that cutting into the skin under the breast and I thought it might be an issue with the band. In this email though you do indicate that by the afternoon the bra is cutting into you.

    I truly believe that going from a 36c to a 34d is not the way to go. This is definitely a sizing issue. Going to 34d will increase your discomfort because the band is smaller which is most likely the reason why you are also using bra back extenders. By the end of the day the body has a tendency to swell a bit which is why when you put your bra in the morning you don’t feel the discomfort but you do later on in the day.

    This is what I do suggest. With your fingers, very gently bend the underwires outwards, try the bra on again and repeat until you feel more comfortable. I suggest you stay with the 36c band. The 36c is equivalent to a 34d cup but the only difference is that the 36 has a bigger band.

    Now if the breast tissue overflows on the sides you need to try a 36d. This would mean that the cups are slightly smaller.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Have a great day.

    Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • admin

    Hello Kim,
    Thank you for contacting us. I hope all is well.
    A 34b is equivalent to a 32c in the cups. If you go down from a 32c to a 32b the cups will be equivalent to a 34a and will be uncomfortable.

    I would suggest you tightening your straps.

    As you mentioned in your comment, when you are sitting straight the cups fit you perfectly, I truly believe the issue is with a slight adjustment to the straps.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Have a wonderful day

    Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • Kris


    I have a few issues finding the right bra for my girls whom I think have increased from 38DD. My straps fall over, my breasts are spilling over, my skin is irritated in the back, nipples are showing thru the cups. I have scoliosis. What do you recommend?

  • Melissa


    I am currently wearing size 40f non wired because last time I was measured they suggested wired and 38ff and they were too painful so I got measured elsewhere and went to non wired 40f. However I have since gained weight and the band is digging into me it’s so tight but the cups are getting too small too. It’s getting really sore under my boobs where the material is rubbing from being tight.

  • admin

    Hello Kris,

    Thank you so much for contacting us.

    Given the fact that the breast tissue is overflowing indicates, as you mentioned, that the cups have increased in size, from a 38DD perhaps to a 38F. This would explain your discomfort. If when you raise your arms the band moves I suggest you reducing the 38 to a 36. If however your band does feel tight I would recommend a 40 band in that case a 40dd cup size. I would also suggest perhaps a front opening bra.

    Let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful day. Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • admin

    Hello Melissa,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Given the fact that you have gained weight and are feeling uncomfortable in your bras, I would defnitely suggest a 42f. This size is bigger in the band and the cups. You can view some styles on this page that features both wireless and underwired bras I welcome any questions you may have, so don’t hesitate to ask. Have a great day. Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • Sue Cooper

    Hi, I have recently had breast augmentation (8 weeks ago)and my surgeon has given me the ok to be measured to get non underwired bra. i have been measuread as a 32D and a 30E at different stores but both band sizes really dig into me and cause me discomfort on my rib cage. I have red marks into my skin and look like I have the indentation of bra when i remove it. Should I go up a band size and down a cup size. I am a UK size 8 and dont really think im a 34 band. shuld i take the bras back. I was so happy to have the augmentation but the bra shopping has been terrible as I am constantly uncomfortable. I had teardrop shape implants under the muscle and my scars are under the crease of my breast. Thanks

  • admin

    Hello Sue,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    I hope all is well.

    Given your description, the band is a little small for you. You should try a 34c or get an extender,, for your existing bras. That would definitely make a difference. If you do try a 34c, raise your arms and see if the band moves or rolls up, if it does the band is too big, if not, that is the size to go with. You may also experience discomfort perhaps because you have a sensitivity to certain fibers or materials. The elastic may be nylon or lycra. I would check that as well. It would be my pleasure to answer any questions you may have. Have a great day. Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • Kristy

    Hi, I usually wear a 32D but I have been having the problem where the bra underwire painfully cuts into the bottom of one breast and a small amount of breast tissue spills toward the centre. I have also tried a 32DD and am experiencing the same problem and I actually find that bra more painful. It may be because my breasts are not the exact same size. Any suggestions?

  • Bevery

    I just got fitted for new bras and the strap fits perfectly. Theread is a in the cup at the top. I tried going down a cup size and was spilling over. So my question is, is a small gap normal? Or what else can I try

  • admin

    Hello Kristy,
    Thank you for contacting us.

    I would suggest you getting a bra in the size of the bigger breast. It would be best to get a bra that has an insert at the base of the cup in which you can insert a pad however nowadays those are not readily available. I would suggest a bra whether it’s padded or not and a bra pad for the smaller breast.
    In this case both breasts would look as though they are the same size and you won’t experience the spilling out of the breast tissue or the uncomfortable underwires.

    As far as the pads are concerned, whether you purchase an add a size or push up depends on the difference in size between both breasts.

    I hope this helps, if not, I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

    Have a great day


  • admin

    Hello Bevery,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.
    Basically most of the time there is a little difference in size between both breasts. This is often not apparent but can be with certain bras. You can do one of two things. You can tighten the bra strap or you can purchase a small padded bra pad The pad will lift the breast tissue and both will look to be the same size.
    I hope this helps, if not, I welcome any questions you may have.
    Have a great day. Celine

  • Bev

    What causes the bulging gap on the top of the band that rests on the sternum
    Also,the strap on just one side slips down and that is so uncomfortable, I wear a 40DD Wacol bra on the last hook.

  • Kristy

    Thanks for the response. I don’t think the difference in size is enough to need to insert a pad. I am just wondering what it means when bra underwires cut in at the bottom of one breast. Does that mean I should keep trying bigger cup sizes? Or that my breasts are closer together than is typical? It seems to happen with both a 32D and 32DD and I think a 32DDD would be too big. When I do a self-measurement calculation I still get 32D.

  • Jamie

    Hi, I usually wear pushup bras and i got measured 32c.I just want to know if i get measured when I am wearing a push up bra, does it mean that I am actually a size smaller when i buy normal bras with no push up?

  • Mia


    I’ve recently (about a week and a half ago) been measured for a new bra and the lady who fitted me placed me at a 42DDD. I purchased a couple of bras in that size and while they’re certainly better than what I had (40DD), neither seems to fit completely right. I purchased a full coverage one and a “plunging” one, which seems to have a bit of padding. Both are by the brand Cacique. On the full coverage one, the edges at the top seems to curl back a bit, leaving a line that is visible through my clothes, though it otherwise fits very comfortably. The plunging one is a different matter. I keep spilling out, having to adjust myself to not end up with the dreaded triple boob look and it also has a gap between my shoulder and my actual chest (there is a minor version of that in the full coverage as well), though my biggest issue is that the top corner of my bra where it attaches to the strap irritates the edge of my shoulder and restricts my ability to move my arms straight forward without it pressing and honestly hurting when I do so. Any idea what could be causing these issues? & thank you!

  • admin

    Hello Bev,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    When there is a gap at the top of the cup, it means that one of the two breasts is smaller than the other and does not entirely fill the cup. A breast pad, can lift the smaller breast to appear to have the same size as the other. The fact that the strap slips could also be attributed to the size of the smaller breast. You can try tightening that side a little more. Let me know if this helps. Please feel free to contact me if you have more questions. Sincerely, Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • admin

    Hello Kristy,

    Thank you for your email.

    If the bra underwires cut at the bottom of one breast, you should try a bigger band. If you get a cup that is too big, the underwire will press on the sides and will make you feel very uncomfortable. I would try a 34c and 34d bra in a store and see the difference. When you do in fact have the 34 band bra on, lift your arms to see if the band stays in place. If it does and you feel comfortable then you should switch to that size. If it’s too big, you can try a 32dd or 32e in a different style. If you wear a demi bra, try a balconette and so forth. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have other questions. Sincerely, Celine

  • admin

    Hello Melissa,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    Your question is excellent. When you get measured while wearing a bra, it actually depends on the bra. A minimizer will decrease your actual size. A push up and a padded bra have different functions. If you wear a 32c in a push up you would wear a 32c in a padded bra. The push up lifts your breast tissue to create a cleavage, that is it’s function and a padded bra does not have the bump pad at the bottom to do this. This is the difference between both. I hope this helps, if not let me know. Have a great day. Celine

  • admin

    Hello Mia,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    There is a definitely a difference between a plunge bra and one that is full coverage. The reason why the edges curl back is most likely because there is no silicone underneath. The function of the plunge bra is to increase cleavage. The reason why the top corner of your bra irritates you is because of the nylon or polyester stitching. Try covering it with some cotton. Let me know if I can answer any other questions. Sincerely Celine

  • Nicole


    I’m having trouble finding my bra size. I’ve been measured but those sizes don’t seem to fit well. Currently I have bras in a size 36DD. On the loosest strap, and I’m constantly tightening the straps. They back does ride up as well. It all sounds like then it’s too big, but my boobs tend to spill out the front, especially when I bend over, and I’m constantly pushing them back in. There is also a gap in the cup area near where the straps connect. Help!

  • Marilyn

    I stretch above my head all day at work. My bra fits fine, but I’ve noticed that my breasts tend to come out the bottom of the bra everytime I reach up. I’m constantly finding myself reach into my bra and pull my breasts back into the cups. I’m a size 40DD. Is there anything you can suggest for this problem?

  • 32b breast size

    It would be great if you could also recommend good places to buy large size bras. I am a 38L and my daughter is a 38M but nowhere on line can I find a site that admits to selling bras in those sizes. The ones that do seem to stop at 34M,anything larger than that in the band and they seem to stop at K, or more frequently G. This is proving very frustrating as I am looking for a lovely bra set for my daughter. Any ideas on where to look. Thanks.

  • admin

    Hello Nicole,

    Thank you so much for reaching out to us.

    I hope all is well.

    According to the description of your issues, you definitely have the wrong size.

    The first thing I would like to indicate is not all bras are made the same, so you may wear a certain size in one style and another size in another style.

    Let’s start.

    The fact that the band rides up indicates that the band is too big. Retry the bra at the tightest hook, lift your arms, if the band moves, you DEFINITELY have the wrong size. You need to go down a size, to 34.

    Let’s address the cups now. You mention there is a gap in the cup, it could be because the cups are padded but not sure if they are because you don’t specify on the comment.

    You are tightening your straps because you are not getting the suppport from the band which is too big.

    The breast tissue is overflowing most likely because you need a bigger cup.

    I would definitely suggest a 34f. I truly feel this is your ideal size.

    Should you want, we can schedule a phone appointment, free of charge.

    I welcome any questions you may have.

    Have a great day

    Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • admin

    Hello Marilyn,

    I hope all is well.

    Thank you for contacting us.

    If you hook your bra at the tightest hook and when you lift your arms the band moves, I highly suggest you going down 1 band size, that is to a 38 E. If you have the right size band, the band should never move. If it does the bra is not supporting you the way it should.

    I hope this helps, if not I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

    Have a great day.

    Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • admin


    Thank you so much for reaching out to us.

    The Parfait brand goes up to size M. When select a style, be sure to look at the size chart. These bras are very beautiful and great quality. I cannot indicate any physical stores. If you would like we can schedule a phone appointment, free of charge, if you have more questions or you use this interface in order to post them.

    Have a wonderful day

    Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • Vanessa

    Hi, I have a 30A push up bra but i’m having gaps between my bra and boob, what would you recommend that I do? I’ve tried tightening the straps but that hasn’t helped

  • Candace

    Hello! I have been fitted in store for a 40 DD. The bras are comfortable for the most part and look fine. The problem I have is that I am a big horse rider and during my rides the wire on the inside of my boobs will actually cut my skin, leaving small rub marks that quite often bleed. I only experience this when riding and I know it’s because of the bouncing but I don’t know what to do about it. Any suggestions would be great.

  • admin

    Hello Vanessa,
    Thank you for contacting us.

    Since you are already wearing a push up, I would recommend a small additional insert at the base of the cup, An insert would lift the breast tissue and fill the gaps.

    I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

    Have a wonderful day

    Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • admin

    Hello Candace,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Horse riding is a sports activity and should be considered as such. I highly suggest you wear a sportsbra. A sportsbra will give you the support you need, unlike a regular bra. This is the webpage for the sportsbras. If you wear underwires, I highly suggest the following The other sportsbra that is very well built and great support is the following

    I welcome any questions you may have so don’t hesitate to ask.


    Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • Amanda

    Hello ?
    Currently I am wearing a 38D and breastfeeding. Before becoming pregnant I would wear an underwire bra but it left marks like bruises under my arms where the wire ended. I have been fitted several times and even moved up cup sizes ( from c to d) but was told that’s just the way it and all underwires fit the same. So is there a such thing as a wider underwire? My breast tissue extends just outside of the wire it seems in every cup size. I tried bending the wire a bit but it did not budge. So with breastfeeding coming to end, I will be buying new bras and don’t want the same issue.
    Thanks so much

  • Amanda

    Is there a such thing as a wider underwire? All my life my underwires leave bruise type marks on my skin under my arm. I have gone up from a c to d with no resolution. I have been fitted and am told I am a cup size d. Not sure what to do.
    Thank you

  • admin

    Hello Amanda,
    Thank you for contacting us.
    Not all underwires are made the same and you are correct some styles do have a wider underwire. Given the fact that a wider underwire would reach further perhaps the issue is with the style as well as the size. When you wear your bra, what hook to you close it, the first, middle, tightest? When you lift your arms, does the band move? Is your bra padded? What is the name of the brand? I would be very happy to help but need this information. I am positive the issue is with the style and the size. Just to let you know that not all sizes are made the same as well. Looking forward to your reply. Have a wonderful day. Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • admin

    Hello Amanda,

    Thank you for your comment. Not all underwires are made the same however I responded to your previous comment and look forward to your answers. Like I mentioned I truly believe there is not only a sizing issue but a styling one as well.
    Looking forward to your answers. Sincerely, Celine 1-855-521-4244

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