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Common Bra Fitting Problems & Solutions

Revised April 11, 2013 by Celine the Bra Doctor

In my experience, more than 90% of women wear the wrong bra size. Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Many women also take several different bra sizes, depending on the shape, cut, fabric and brand of the bra. To add to the confusion, most women are not entirely symmetrical, meaning they may have uneven breasts – click here to read my blog on how to easily fix your uneven breasts.

Your shape is unique, making it sometimes difficult to find bras that are made in standard sizes. Many large-scale lingerie stores do not have experienced salespeople to help you find your best personal fit. Today I offer you one of the most common bra fitting problems, with tips on how to fix it. Over the next few blogs, you will find a comprehensive guide on how to diagnose and solve each fitting problem, along with some images that will demonstrate the proper or incorrect fitting for bras.

But first… In a previous blog, I asked you to try on each of your bras and go through a checklist of items to see if your bras were the wrong size. It’s fun to do this with your girlfriends too, and they can help you see things you can’t. If it doesn’t fit, or if the elastic is stretched out, toss it or even better – RECYCLE it! Ask yourself these questions when you try on each bra.

One of the most common issues with bra fitting is the cup size, which is what I’m going to cover in today’s blog. (You can read about how to fit your bra back and bra straps in Parts 2 & 3 of Common Bra Fitting Problems & Solutions.) I have seen some women with red lines underneath their arms and breasts from where their too-small underwires dug into them painfully. This is NO GOOD!

Time for a reality check. It’s normal to change sizes and shapes over time. If your bras don’t fit you, don’t keep buying the same size. I have actually met women who refused to wear D cups because in their minds, that was too big. Size doesn’t matter as long as you’re comfortable in your bra. Seriously. If you don’t like it, cut out the tags! It’s not worth walking around all day long in discomfort, not to mention unhealthy!

Here’s how to find out if your cup size is working for you. First, make sure the rest of your bra is properly adjusted to be able to evaluate. This is where the bra fitting checklist above can come in handy.

How do you know if your bra straps are adjusted properly? Adjust your straps until you can comfortably slip your index finger between them and your shoulders, and without the straps cutting into your finger or slipping off your shoulders when you remove your hand.

How do you adjust your bra back? Your bra back is adjusted when you are able to comfortably fasten it on the middle or loosest hooks of your bra back closure without any bunching or causing bumps and lumps to appear. When you lift your arms, your bra back should not lift up.

Now it’s time to check to see if your bra cups fit properly!

Once your bra straps and back are properly adjusted, you should notice that your bra cups lie flat against your breasts without any bunching or space between your breast and your bra cup. Your bra also should NOT be cutting into your breasts in front or at the sides to create an unattractive double-boob effect or overlap. Your underwire should contour and envelop the entirety of your breast tissue under your arms, and lie flat against your ribcage and breastbone.

You know your bra cups are TOO SMALL when…

You can visibly see your breasts spilling out of the top and/or sides of your bra. Never, ever wear a bra if the underwire cuts into you or leaves red marks on your breasts or under your arms when you remove your bra at night! Underwire that is painful usually signals that your bra cups are too small. This can cause you serious problems aside from discomfort, like cutting off your body’s natural circulation to the breast tissue.

If your bra cups are too small BUT your bra back fits, start by increasing your cup size by one (e.g. from A to B, B to C, etc.) or finding a bra style that offers a wider and more flexible underwire. Or, even go wire-free: contrary to what some of you ladies may believe, wire-free bras can have comparable comfort and support to an underwired bra.

You know your bra cups are TOO BIG when…

If you’re experiencing gapping or folds in the fabric of your bra cups BUT your bra back fits, this can signal that your cups are too big. There shouldn’t be any space between your bra cup and your breasts; your breasts should completely fill the space without any spillage. Your girls should never slip out from your bra when you move around or lift up your arms (this is uncomfortable, not to mention this can make for an embarrassing fashion mishap!).

To fix these bra fitting problems and to make sure your bra cups aren’t too small, try to go down a cup size, like from a C to a B, until the underwire fits more snugly and your bra fits against your breasts without causing discomfort or gaps. Use the guidelines above to make sure you  have a perfect fit.

More bra fitting tips!

Some women have come to me with their doctor’s advice not to wear underwire because it’s “unhealthy”. If you’ve heard this before, know that it’s mostly because women typically wear bras too small for them, which can cut off circulation to the surrounding lymphatic areas. Since your body needs to clear itself of its toxins, it is necessary to ensure proper and natural circulation, and squeezing your breasts into a small bra may prohibit your body’s natural functioning. As long as you are wearing the right size, and your breasts are being supported but not squished, wearing an underwired bra should not be a problem. Also make sure not to wear your bra 24 hours a day. It’s important to let them relax and “breathe”!

Always remember that you should do self breast exams periodically, but these should never replace regular breast exams with your doctor. Click here to view images from the American Cancer Society on how to conduct a self breast exam.

Stay tuned for the next installments of Bra Fitting Problems to learn how to fit your bra back and bra straps properly, and discover more helpful tips to find your perfect fit!

Need personalized help to diagnose your bra fitting problems? Want me to guide you to find the right bra size for you? Contact me! Comment here below, or email me personally at Plus, get more bra fitting tips by connecting with me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!

Celine, Your Bra Doctor




  • Kristy

    Hello. I have now tried bras in a number of sizes – 32D, 34D, 32DD and 32DDD including a couple different brands and I am experiencing the same problem with all of them. The underwire in the centre on one side cuts into the bottom of one breast and is really painful. All I want is a basic t-shirt bra that does not cause pain and trying different sizes has not helped. Apart from the underwire cutting in the bras fit and look fine so I still wear them. What would you recommend? Thanks.

  • admin

    Hello Kristy,
    Thank you for contacting us.
    The reason why you have this issue is because the bra cups are all sized the same, meaning the left and right cups are identical. Most women don’t have identical sized breast tissue. In order for you to be more comfortable, I would suggest you bending the wire outwards, try the bra and repeat as necessary until you feel more comfortable. I hope this helps. Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful day. Celine

  • Jamie

    I’m having a problem with every bra I try on and am hoping someone can help me. I’m a 32 DD and with every bra I try on, the cups dig into the sides of my armpits. It is not the underwire that is bothering me. The underwire lays flat and comfortably where it ends. It is the actual side of the cup, between the strap and the wire. That part digs into me. I have no idea what to do. If I wear smaller cups that don’t cut into my armpits, my breasts are bulging out of the bra. I have been told I might be smaller than a 32 (28-30) but most places don’t sell 30 DD. Does anyone know about my issue? Could it be band size? Thanks for reading!

  • admin

    Hello Jamie,

    Thank you for contacting us. I hope all is well.

    If it is the underwire that is digging on the sides where the wires end, I would suggest you bending the wires outwards. You are, however, indicating that it is the cups that are an issue.

    We can address the sizing of the band now. Basically if you raise your arms and the band moves, you do in fact have to either tighten the band and if you hook the band to the tightest this still persists you need to go down a band to size 30 e or f.

    Now, let’s address the cup issue. If the breast tissue overflows at the sides, it means that you need to go up a cup, from 32DD to 32E or 32F.

    Should you want to talk we an set up at appointment, free of charge, if you email me your contact info or you can call me at 1-855-521-4244 .

    Have a great day. Celine

  • ansu

    Hi my bust size measure 33inch and underbust measure 28inch.which bra size will be perfect for me 32A or 32B or 32C?

  • Ashton

    I am having problems finding a good bra. I have been wearing a 38DD.. The band fits perfectly around, doesn’t dig in and doesn’t ride up in the back. My problem is the cups. DDD is too big, and DD doesn’t fully cover like it should (spillage in front and at sides of breasts is never covered correctly) I’ve tried other sizes, but nothing fits great. If the coverage is decent, it makes my boobs look pointy. I honestly just want a bra I can feel confident in and fits like it should. Im lost and have no idea where to go from here… Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer…

  • admin

    Hello Ashton,
    I hope all is well.

    I can definitely understand the issue and will try to help the best I can. I need to indicate that not all sizes are made the same. Going forward ater 38DD, 38DDD, 38E, 38F. You are most likely in between sizes. Since you mention in your email that the breast tissue appear conical it means you are wearing a padded bra. I would suggest one with memory foam which will appear rounder. Addressing the issue of the size, there are 38dd that are made deeper than others 38DDD sometimes = 38F. Hope this helps, if not please let me know.

    Have a great day. Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • Jamie

    Thank you very much for your help, Celine. I’m going to try your suggestions!

  • Amanda

    Sorry for the delayed response. When I wear my bra and it has been freshly washed I put it on the last hook making it the widest it can go. The next 2 days I put it on the middle hook and then I wash it again. When I left my arms the band always moves. I only have one bra that the band does not move and it has no underwire, no padding, nothing, itseems my most comfortable bra but it is my night nursing bra.
    The brand of my nursing bra is motherhood, and non nursing ones that I have always had issues with are all one of 2 brands, Calvin Klein and LA Senza. None of my bras are padded or push ups ( which would be nice to wear on occasion) because my boobs spill out of those type giving me the double boob
    Once again, I am sorry for the delayed response and thank you so much for responding to me. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you

  • admin

    You are most welcome Jamie,
    Don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
    Have a wonderful day
    Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • admin

    Hello Amanda,

    Thank you for your email and you are most welcome.
    If when you lift your arms the band moves, you definitely need to decrease the size of the band. You can also have a padded or push up bra in your size that would not give you the double breast look. It’s all in the size.
    Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
    Have a great day.

    Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • admin

    Hello Ansu,

    Thank you for your question. According to your measurements, you want to go with a 32C.

    If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

    The NTL Team

  • Emz

    Just a note to say thanks for the advice – always assumed I was way too tiny for a B but as I was wearing 34A fairly tight I went down to 32B and was amazed how much better the cups fitted – no gaping at all. Also much easier to find choice in this size so I’m delighted. Band is now on the loosest setting as it did feel a little tight but aaauming it will stretch. It’s nice to feel secure and not worry about flashing someone anytime I wear a lower top.

  • Fiona Jones

    Hi Celine

    I am about to undergo shoulder surgery. I would like to purchase a Bra that closes in the front whilst i recover & rehabilitate etc. My problem is that after a bust reduction and settling etc I find that the Cup size I am wearing is a 24DD (Australian) but that the backis not wide enough so i need to put an extender on.

    I want to get the right bra to fit and will probably have to purchase from USA. How does one extend the size of the bra across the back but also get the right cup size as well? I can get the bra fitted cuurently with my shoulder issue.

  • admin

    You are quite welcome.


    Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • admin

    Hello Ms Jones,
    Thank you for your contacting us.
    I hope all is well.
    If the band is not wide enough you would need to increase the band to 26. If the cups of the 24DD are good then you would need a 26D because 24DD and 26D have about the same cup size. In the US this size corresponds to about a 50.
    Please let me know if you have any questions.
    Have a wonderful day
    Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • Emily

    My measurements are: underbust 28 and breasts 34.
    I’m currently wearing a 32DD but wanted advice on what bra would be best for me.
    I have no marks around my back or on my shoulders but I do get marks on my sternum and under my breasts and around the side of my breasts near my arm pits. The bra fully covers my boobs and does not rise up. I do sometimes find I yank down the middle part of the bra as it feels uncomfortable after a while.
    I wear t shirt or plunge bras, I can’t wear balconette bras as they hurt my middle part too much by digging in with their high under wire.
    I’ve used two measuring sources online and one suggested I would be a 28G and one suggested I’d be a 28E.
    Any advice would be great, I’ll also try to book into a bra fitting soon. Thank you

  • admin

    Hello Emily,
    Thank you so much for contacting us.
    I hope you are doing great today.
    I suggest you gently bend both underwires outwards and retry the bra. You should not feel the wires and thus feel more comfortable.
    As far as the sizing is concerned, we will address the band first. If you wear the 32 band bra at the tightest and when you raise your arms the band moves, then you need to decrease the band to a 28.
    From the measurements you have given me a 32DD, 32E, 32F would be convenient depending on the style. Some european countries do not use DD sizing instead the DD is replaced with E.
    This is the webpage for plunge and push up bras Our best seller and one that I would suggest is
    I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
    Have a great day
    Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • Leslie

    I am 6′ tall and long in the torso. I have been fitted at a bra store but few brands have straps long enough for me at their longest length. I think I need to alter them but matching the strap material is difficult. Any suggestions?

  • admin

    Hello Leslie,
    Thank you so much for contacting us. I hope all is well.
    Instead of making the strap longer and looking for the same elastic, I would purchase satin of the same color and get a seamstress to make it longer and attach it to the circle at the bottom that holds the strap. You can use satin, non stretch lace, even chain as long as there is not stretch. It`s like giving a beautiful appearance to the bra and at the same time you getting exactly what you need.
    Hope this helps, if not I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
    Have a great day

  • Asha

    Hlo my underbust measures 28.34inch and overbust 33.858inches.what would be my perfect bra.I haven’t got my perfect bra yet plz help.

  • admin

    Hello Asha,

    Thank you for contacting us. You would need a 34 e according the size you indicate.

    You should also take into consideration that not all bras are made the same. I welcome any questions you may have so don`t hesitate to ask. Have a great day. Celine 1-855-521-4244


    I want to wear a push-up bra but I always have this problem that when I choose to buy 34B, my boobs dont occupy all the space in the cups. But if I try on a 34A I am more likely to squeeze my breats to death. What do I do ? I would be glad if you help me.

  • admin

    Hello Shivani,
    Thank you so much for contacting us. It is evident you are in between sizes however I suspect that since not all bras are made in the same way, there may be a brand or style that would be suitable for you. Do you always purchase the same brand or are experiencing the same issue with all the bras?

    As far as a style is concerned, I would highly suggest a push up bra with removable pads in 34b. The purpose of a push up bra is to make the breast look larger in volume. I hope this helps. Please don`t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Celine

  • Kathleen molloy

    Hi there can you help me. I wear a 38dd and my boobs are very slightly popping out. What size is next up to that please

  • admin

    Hello Ms Molloy,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    Since the breast tissue is overflowing you would need need a deeper cup so the next size up would be 38E or 38F. I will explain. Some brands do not have 38DD instead they have 38E which is the same equivalence so the next cup would be 38F.
    Hope this is helpful, if not please let me know.
    Have a great day.

  • Narnya

    Hi I’m currently wearing a 32dd. The back and straps are perfect fitting. But My boobs are falling out the top, but seem to not occupy the bottom of my bra, making a gap from the underwriting to the point my boob starts. I have tried a 32d and Their is no gap, but i am still falling out the top. Any advice of why this is and what size I should try instead please.

  • admin

    Hello Narnya,

    I hope all is well.
    If the breast tissue is overflowing it means that the cups are too small you should try a size up, mainly a 32e not smaller. The style you are wearing may be a push up and you may want to look at a padded non push up bra. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Have a great day. Celine

  • Jacqueline

    Hello I’ve been told I’m a 32b but I’m not to sure. I always seem to have the cups in the front riding up slightly, where I have to pull them down and sometimes the tops of the cups don’t lay exactly against my breast. It’s annoying. If I try a different size I don’t even know what to try and I don’t seem to understand how the sizes work, going up a size or down. It also has me nervous or uncomfortable when summer comes because I don’t want my tops to not stay completely to my boobs and show anything I don’t want seen if I’m sitting or leaning/bending over. I alway see adds like v.s. and the bras look like they are just right on they’re breast looking perfect and just right. How is that? Please help

  • amy

    Hi I’ve had a boob job and are having trouble with my nipples popping out the cups throughout the day I’m constantly adjusting my bra when wearing them its a nightmare I’ve already gone up a cup size and it hasn’t helped what would u recommend

  • admin

    Hello Jacqueline,

    Thank you for reaching out to us. I hope all is well.
    I will be happy to help.
    Let’s start with the band first and we will address the cups after.
    You indicate that your band is 32. If you hook your band to the tightest hook and raise your arms, if the band moves than you should be wearing a 30 band size. If you are not hooking your band at the tightest hook then you should remain with 30 size band.
    Now for the cups. Do the underwires touch your breastbone or is there some space between the breast bone and center gore?
    If so, you need to increase your cup size to a 30C.
    If some of the breast tissue is overflowing on the sides you would need to increase the cup size to a 30C.
    If the cups are good but the issue is with the band, you should be trying a 30C. A 30 C would have a smaller band size but the cups would be equivalent to a 32B.

    Hope this helps, if not please let me know. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


  • admin

    Hello Amy,
    Thank you for contacting to us.
    The fact that your nipples are going out of the cups is due to a couple of reasons mainly, the size, the style that you are wearing.
    Let’s address the size first. If you hook your band at the tighest hook, you need to try a smaller band. The band needs to support and hold the cups, if the band is too loose it will not do this efficiently. If you hook the band at the tightest and raise your arms, if the band moves, you know for a fact that it is too big. Lets address the cup size now. If the breast tissue is overflowing on the sides and the underwires do not touch the breast bone, you need to increase the size of the cups, from B to C, from C to D and so on. We will address the style now. Perhaps that the style that you are wearing is too demi and a balconette bra might be more comfortable. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have. Have a great day. Celine

  • Jacqueline

    Hello Celine, you said to try a size 30c. Do you know where I can find one that size to try? I ran by a target to see about trying some bras on but didn’t see any 30c’s, and I didn’t know what else to try that might work. If I wear a 32b and the cups seem ok but the only problem is that they ride up a pinch in the front does that mean the band is to big but the cup is fine or no?
    Thanks for you help

  • admin

    Hello Jacqueline,

    Thank you for contact us. I hope all is well. I am not sure where you are located however since you did mention Target, I would guess you are in the United States. If this is the case, I would suggest you go to a large shopping mall. A store specific to selling bras would have that size. A place like Wal Mart or Target would not. They would also not carry sizing such as G, H etc, these are too specific. The answer to your last question is absolutely yes. If the band rides up it is too big. You can visualize the styles we sell in 30c by click on this link

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Have a great day.


  • Shana

    Hey I’m currently wearing a 32B. My underbust is 29″ and boobs are 32″. My bra band leaves red lines even though I have hooked the bra on the last hook also the cups have gaps in them. What bra size would you suggest?

  • admin

    Hello Shana,
    I hope all is well.
    If your bra band leaves marks and you are hooking your bra on the last hook, you need to try a 34 band. If the cups of the 32b are good and comfortable, than your bra size should be 34A.
    If the breast tissue is overflowing on the sides than I recommend a 34B.
    Since the cups have gaps, it could be the style and should be looking at a demi bra or one that is lower cut.
    I hope this helps. Please don’t hesitate to let me know. Sincerely, Celine 1-855-521-4244

  • Susan Johnson

    I have tear drop shape breasts that do not fill out the top of the cups leaving a gap where the strap meets the cup. I have tried a demi bra which seemed to help, but left horrible red marks under my breasts as well as on the breasts from the underwire. The bra size was 34 C. Any suggestions? Thank you.

  • admin

    Hello Ms Johnson,
    Thank you for your email.
    I hope all is well.

    If any bra leaves a red mark under your breasts it means that the size is not adequate. It could be either the band or the cup size. If you wear 34C bra at the loosest and if feels a little tight, try 36 band. If the breast tissue overflows on the sides, try a D cup. If the band is tight but the cups are good then you should try a 36B.
    Now as far as the styles are concerned. A padded bra or push up bra would be a good idea. A push up bra would lift the breast tissue in order to fill the cups.

    Please let me know if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

    Have a wonderful day.


  • Julia

    Hi, I wear a 38C bra size and my cup size seems to never fit right, ive tried a cup lower but it spills out, but with the C there a small amount of space between the bra and my breast. Also, my band is leaving red marks and hurt if I wear it for more than a couple hours, but I can never seem to get the straps in a comfortable position, they are either too tight or they fall of my shoulders.

  • admin

    Hello Julia,
    Thank you for your email.
    If your band is a 38 and leaves red marks it could be because it is tight or your skin is sensitive to the nylon at the hem. If you hook your bra at the loosest hook and the band leaves red marks, you need to increase the band size to a 40.
    Let’s address the cup size. You do not indicate if your wear padded bras so I will try to answer your question in both regards. The style of the bra that you are wearing should be more demi like the following style and the size should be a 40b. The underwires should be wide and the cups not too full. The underwires should circumvent the breast comfortably, the cups won’t crease and the breast tissue won’t overflow on the sides.
    Please let me know if you have any questions.

  • Joy

    I struggle to find appropriate bras in Australia, at a reasonable price.
    – I currently wear 38H bras purchased in the UK. These are a little too big in the band, but this is necessary- I have Parkinson’s Disease and cannot manage smaller size bands.
    – Just about every bra in big sizes in Australia seems to be a balconette or similar, pushing breast tissue to the underarm area, which I consider unattractive. I also find these bras uncomfortable.
    – Given that I am retired and unwell I would prefer to wear a more casual and comfortable style of bra. In Australia I can only obtain these in a 38G. The cups gape a bit and my left breadt rides up over the top. There is no bigger cup size available here in casual styles.
    I am looking for a comfortable compromise that will actually contain my breasts all day.

  • Christine

    I’ve had this problem for years where the underwire in the front falls about an inch below the underside of my breasts. I have tried a 40DD, 40DDD, and 40G. The problem is the same with all of the cup sizes. I’ve also tried a 38 band size and that didn’t solve the problem. I recently spoke with an employee at Soma who tried to find the right bra for me and she said it’s because my boobs are very heavy. What do I do??

  • Lindsay B

    Hello, thank you for all your words of wisdom! I’ve gained 15 pounds since my last bra purchase (was 100 with 32DD and moved to about 117 pounds), and a bra fitter gave me a measurement of 32DDD. It fit decently, nothing moved on the loosest setting, but there was an ugly looking buldge around the band that was most pronounced in the back. I felt embarrassed about it and asked if it was normal for that much skin buldge and they said “welcome to being an adult” and “it will stretch.”

    I don’t want to buy a bra I feel ugly in and wait for it to stretch! Is this normal, or should I get a second opinion and try a different size?

  • admin

    Hello Christine,

    I hope all is well.
    There are a couple of things you can do in order to resolve this issue.

    The first is you can try a full support bra versus one that features less support. As well you are able to get full support bras that are wirefree.

    I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have so don`t hesitate and ask.



  • Sandra

    Hi, I’ve lost a fair bit of weight was always a 36e, but the cups are gaping and the back is on tightest setting with a new one in that size, am I possibly a 34e. As having tried a 36dd I’m spilling over the cup and not at all contained. Your advice would be appreciated

  • admin

    Hello Sandra,
    I hope all is well.
    Given the fact that you are at the tightest in a 36 band, you should try a 34 band. As well since the cup of the 36 is a bit big you should in fact be trying a 34e, if you were to change just the band then it would have been a 34F.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    Have a great day.

  • Lindsay B

    Hello Celine, I’ve been very inspired reading all of your comments and advice here. I thought I’d follow up on my question in case you missed it.

    I gained about 15 pounds over the last two years (I was underweight and am now a more “normal” size) and was a 32DD. When I went to the bra fitter, they said my new fit was a 32DDD, but on the loosest setting there was skin bulge under the arms and in the back. This is with a full-cover bra and the widest band in the store, no-frills. The bra fitter insisted this kind of bulging was “normal” and “it will stretch” but it made me feel really embarrassed and I left the store without buying anything at all. Would you have any advice on if I can go up a size or something else? I would love a second opinion on sizing when you gain weight like this.

  • admin

    Hello Lindsay,
    Thank you so much for your comment. I hope all is well.
    If you are experiencing bulging at the loosest hook not tightest or middle hook, I would suggest a 34 DD (which has about the same cup as as a 32DDD) size bra. If the size 34 band in the middle hook, moves when you raise your arms, it is the 32 your require. You never purchase a bra if you are comfortable at the tightest hook. It will not last because the band will stretch and ride up.

    In that case it may be possible you are in between sizing and that the band in the 32 will stretch. I would suggest in the interim a bra back extender They are very useful and will make wearing the bra more comfortable until the bra stretches.

    Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions.

    Have a great day.


  • Kris

    Hi. I have been so confused with finding my right size as I’ve been measured and have gotten different sizes each time. My underbust is 34.5 in and my bust measures at 43.. I’ve been squishing my boobs into a 34ddd but get the quad boob look. Can you suggest a size? When I go larger in cup, the cup seems to sit just under my armpit which is so annoying lol thank you in advance for any help!!

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