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Bra fitting & lingerie advice Fashion Advice

Dare to be (almost) Bare!

Sometimes it’s best to leave a little something to the imagination– one of the founding principles of lingerie wearers and designers! Leaving a tiny peek here or there of your bare skin in your flirty lingerie will give your partner a slow, sumptuous tease. Here are some of my favourite sheer and lacy items, ideal for a delectable visual and an ultra-sexy sensation every woman should experience!

Lusty Lace
Just slipping into a lacy piece of lingerie can make any woman feel exquisitely feminine! Discreetly show off your goods in colourful lace like this fitted Tiffany camisole with corset lines, or with a comfy bra and panty set that will make you smile slyly to yourself, even if you’re the only one who knows what you’ve got on underneath!

Sheer Heaven
You probably won’t get a halo, but you’ll surely feel uplifted in one of these sheer ensembles! With a delicate combo of mesh and lace, these pieces reveal more of your skin than lace alone, contouring your silhouette with a sexy and enticing layer of eye-catching fabric.

Picture Purr-fect Prints
A feast for the eyes! Original prints like the Feline Fantasy collection by Now That’s Lingerie or the newsprint-inspired Alexis bra and panty set, lend a more flirtatious effect to your sheer appeal. Express your sensuality with a semi-transparent print like these and let your unique femininity peek through!

Ideas for upcoming blogs? Bra fitting or lingerie fashion questions? Contact us!

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After 25 years in the lingerie industry, I've helped thousands of women feel confident and look fantastic in their lingerie. I'm the resident Bra Doctor for Now That's, which I founded over ten years ago as a way to help cater to the needs of as many women possible! I receive dozens of e-mails from women who can't seem to feel comfortable in their bras. I'm here to show that you CAN find a bra that works for you. Sometimes all you need are little tips! I hope you enjoy my bra fitting advice, experiences and thoughts. I'll also be sharing news about lingerie giveaways and deals that can't be missed. Contact me personally for personalized help finding your perfect fit:




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    Hi there, thanks for your comment, it’s a WordPress design (so we can’t take the credit for it!).

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