We’ve given you some gift ideas for both him and her, and even yourself – but what about doing something nice for people you don’t know?
The holidays can become selfish and stressful quickly. There’s no better way to find purpose and peace this holiday season than by making a small yet powerful gesture for others.
We give you one of these lists each year, and here’s an updated list for ways to give back for the 2018 holiday season.
Reverse Advent Calendar

found on Facebook
This is a list of 24 small grocery items that you can purchase either each day, or each grocery shopping day you have.
On Christmas Eve or shortly after, bring your filled box to a food bank in your area. People often donate before the holidays, but not during or after, and many food banks go empty because of this.
Gifts of Compassion
The Gifts of Compassion organization allows you to purchase an item or a bundle in your budget that will go to people in need.
There is anything from livestock to supplies to help people in underdeveloped countries create a sustainable business.
Cards For The Homeless or Elderly
The holiday season is difficult for those who are without many of the things we take for granted.
Consider writing a nice holiday card and pass them out to the homeless in your area. If you can afford to, perhaps add a small gift card to a coffee shop, some gloves and a hat, or whatever you can manage.
A simple act of kindness can make someone’s holiday, especially when they are alone.
Bake Something For Service People
This is an easy yet powerful idea we found on Improvements Catalog.
Our service people, such as police officers, EMTs, doctors, and firefighters for example, don’t often have the luxury of time off during the holidays. Show these people your kindness and support by sharing a special part of the holidays with them – treats!
Volunteer Your Time
Volunteering is not only free, but an uplifting activity you can do by yourself or with people you love that will bond you forever.
Whether you volunteer at a shelter, a local community service, or even a fundraising event, you’ll instantly feel rewarded and make a difference in someone’s holiday season.
What’s YOUR favorite way to give back during the holidays?
Let us know in the comments below!
Continue celebrating the holidays with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Until next time,
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