Underwear; it’s a part of our daily routine. They can support us and protect us during our day, and they can also add a little pep to our step.
So shouldn’t we take care of them?
If you’re tired of saying goodbye to your favorite pair (we all end up having that ONE pair), or feel like you keep blowing money on new pairs too often, here are some rules you can follow to prolong the life of your underwear and treat it with the love it deserves.
Change Them Every Day (Maybe Twice A Day?)

This sounds like an obvious tip, but is worth repeating. You should be changing your underwear every day. Wearing your underwear for too long can cause irritation and even infection. If you work out, have a shower, or have a fairly active day, you want to pull out a new pair. Yes, the laundry might pile up, but your nether regions will thank you for it.
Have Certain Pairs For Certain Things

You might love thongs, but that doesn’t mean thongs are appropriate for all occasions.
For your active days, you should consider natural fabrics like cotton, or athletic underwear made with moisture wicking fabrics that keep you cool and dry. For that time of the month, consider underwear with full coverage instead of trying to fit your hygiene products in with constricting styles.
Having the right underwear for the right activity or time of the month, for example, can ensure you’re not damaging your more delicate delicates quicker.
Wash Them In Hypoallergenic Soap

Hand washing is not as tedious and tiring as it seems, and your underwear will thank you as much as your bras will.
We can be sensitive down there, and soaps with chemicals or scents can be more harmful than you might think. If you can, try washing your underwear with hypoallergenic soap and be sure to rinse them extremely well.
If you have to throw your underwear in the laundry, consider a delicate cycle with hypoallergenic soap and lay them out to dry if possible.
Ditch Them At Night

As much as is possible, try to avoid panties at night. Allow your body to breathe and lessen the amount of time it’s constricted in underwear.
It’s not necessarily bad for your health if you don’t, but if you must wear underwear to bed, consider a looser, breathable style, and not one that will ride up and down all night.
Have A Balance Of What Feels Good And What Makes YOU Feel Good

We’ve briefly mentioned that there are certain types of underwear that are better suited for certain activities. While it’s important to be prepared, it’s also important to embrace the fun and joy that underwear can bring you. With so many cute styles, fabrics, patterns, and designs, you don’t need to resist the beautiful in order to be practical!
Do you have any trouble finding underwear that you truly love?
Let us know in the comments below – we’re always here to help out!
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Yours In Lingerie,
Celine The Bra Doctor
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