Your Instagram feed is full of body positive posts, you’re having an easier time finding your sizes, and you’ve had a bra fitting. But you’re still not excited about needing to buy a bra or two. You might want a sexy lingerie option but how do you buy something sexy when you really don’t feel sexy enough to wear it?
These are thoughts we’ve had, and we’re sure you have them too. It doesn’t really matter how body confident you’ve become, every now and then we all get in a slump where we just hate our bodies or don’t feel good about ourselves.
No one is alone in this.

Most of us, if not all, feel like we need to wear lingerie daily, or at least on most days. And how many of us have a bra we’re desperately holding on to by its last thread because the thought of trying to buy a new one makes is just TOO MUCH?
How do you buy lingerie when you’re really not loving your body right now? We obviously can’t change your mind about your body, but we’re always here to chat about – it doesn’t matter what size you are, how curvy or slim you are, how you identify, or anything in between. There are some things we’ve picked up along the way of helping people with lingerie that might help you get through these body slumps.
Lingerie Is Becoming So Much More Accessible

We mean this in a lot of ways, though we know there’s still work to do. Lingerie options for more sizes, more body types, more people in general are blossoming. This means that while you may not feel like you’ve always been catered to by lingerie, you might be surprised by what you can find when you look.
Know that we offer a diverse size range, and we also know a lot of solutions for something you might think only affects you, but it doesn’t.
There’s not a problem our Bra Doctor hasn’t been able to fix yet!
No One Is Judging You, Whether You Do Or Don’t Show Off

No proper bra fitter or lingerie expert will judge your body. It’s not what we’re here for. We want to know enough about your body to find you the right sizes and styles, and that’s it.
A lot of people also don’t see our lingerie, so they won’t know what you’re wearing. Plus, if you’re someone who wants to show it off in an outfit or a fun Instagram shoot, you’re going to be celebrated and empowered way, way more than you won’t be.
Having A Bad Day Doesn’t Mean You’ve Lost Your Confidence

As we said before, we all have bad days. You don’t have to discount how far you’ve come because of the not-so-great times.
Some fabulous and well-made lingerie can do a lot to make these days brighter instead of hindering it. When you allow lingerie to be something that enhances and protects your beauty, it’s a really powerful thing.
Holding your head up, flashing a smile, and wearing clothes that make your inner personality shine are small ways to fake confidence on a bad day.
Push Out The Bad, Bring In The Good

We are so influenced by what we see online and throughout our lives, and this is a great thing but also a bad thing.
In a lot of ways, though, we can choose what kinds of messages and trends we want to surround ourselves with. Don’t support the companies or brands that don’t support you and your body. There are so many brands and advocates and influencers that are all about everyone’s beauty, and are working hard to keep standards of beauty evolving to represent everyone. Follow them!
Be Honest With Yourself And Reward Yourself With The Right Sizes

Size phobia is real and hard to break. However, you’re not doing any good for yourself when you’re not wearing the right size.
You might not be happy when you find your true bra or underwear size momentarily, but when you see your options, we promise it’ll feel rewarding. On a physical level, you’ll be flattering your body in the best way and you’ll have proper support. On the inside, you’ll have conquered a fear and you’ll appreciate how little your size matters other than for getting dressed.
Do you have any tips or tricks that have helped you get through your own personal slumps? How has lingerie helped you embrace and accept your body?
Share with us in the comments below!
Stay body positive with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
You’re beautiful!
All Bra Doctor’s Blog content is the sole property of Now That’s Lingerie, We do not authorize any republishing of our content for any reason, with or without credit.
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