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Common Bra Fitting Problems & Solutions

Revised April 11, 2013 by Celine the Bra Doctor

In my experience, more than 90% of women wear the wrong bra size. Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Many women also take several different bra sizes, depending on the shape, cut, fabric and brand of the bra. To add to the confusion, most women are not entirely symmetrical, meaning they may have uneven breasts – click here to read my blog on how to easily fix your uneven breasts.

Your shape is unique, making it sometimes difficult to find bras that are made in standard sizes. Many large-scale lingerie stores do not have experienced salespeople to help you find your best personal fit. Today I offer you one of the most common bra fitting problems, with tips on how to fix it. Over the next few blogs, you will find a comprehensive guide on how to diagnose and solve each fitting problem, along with some images that will demonstrate the proper or incorrect fitting for bras.

But first… In a previous blog, I asked you to try on each of your bras and go through a checklist of items to see if your bras were the wrong size. It’s fun to do this with your girlfriends too, and they can help you see things you can’t. If it doesn’t fit, or if the elastic is stretched out, toss it or even better – RECYCLE it! Ask yourself these questions when you try on each bra.

One of the most common issues with bra fitting is the cup size, which is what I’m going to cover in today’s blog. (You can read about how to fit your bra back and bra straps in Parts 2 & 3 of Common Bra Fitting Problems & Solutions.) I have seen some women with red lines underneath their arms and breasts from where their too-small underwires dug into them painfully. This is NO GOOD!

Time for a reality check. It’s normal to change sizes and shapes over time. If your bras don’t fit you, don’t keep buying the same size. I have actually met women who refused to wear D cups because in their minds, that was too big. Size doesn’t matter as long as you’re comfortable in your bra. Seriously. If you don’t like it, cut out the tags! It’s not worth walking around all day long in discomfort, not to mention unhealthy!

Here’s how to find out if your cup size is working for you. First, make sure the rest of your bra is properly adjusted to be able to evaluate. This is where the bra fitting checklist above can come in handy.

How do you know if your bra straps are adjusted properly? Adjust your straps until you can comfortably slip your index finger between them and your shoulders, and without the straps cutting into your finger or slipping off your shoulders when you remove your hand.

How do you adjust your bra back? Your bra back is adjusted when you are able to comfortably fasten it on the middle or loosest hooks of your bra back closure without any bunching or causing bumps and lumps to appear. When you lift your arms, your bra back should not lift up.

Now it’s time to check to see if your bra cups fit properly!

Once your bra straps and back are properly adjusted, you should notice that your bra cups lie flat against your breasts without any bunching or space between your breast and your bra cup. Your bra also should NOT be cutting into your breasts in front or at the sides to create an unattractive double-boob effect or overlap. Your underwire should contour and envelop the entirety of your breast tissue under your arms, and lie flat against your ribcage and breastbone.

You know your bra cups are TOO SMALL when…

You can visibly see your breasts spilling out of the top and/or sides of your bra. Never, ever wear a bra if the underwire cuts into you or leaves red marks on your breasts or under your arms when you remove your bra at night! Underwire that is painful usually signals that your bra cups are too small. This can cause you serious problems aside from discomfort, like cutting off your body’s natural circulation to the breast tissue.

If your bra cups are too small BUT your bra back fits, start by increasing your cup size by one (e.g. from A to B, B to C, etc.) or finding a bra style that offers a wider and more flexible underwire. Or, even go wire-free: contrary to what some of you ladies may believe, wire-free bras can have comparable comfort and support to an underwired bra.

You know your bra cups are TOO BIG when…

If you’re experiencing gapping or folds in the fabric of your bra cups BUT your bra back fits, this can signal that your cups are too big. There shouldn’t be any space between your bra cup and your breasts; your breasts should completely fill the space without any spillage. Your girls should never slip out from your bra when you move around or lift up your arms (this is uncomfortable, not to mention this can make for an embarrassing fashion mishap!).

To fix these bra fitting problems and to make sure your bra cups aren’t too small, try to go down a cup size, like from a C to a B, until the underwire fits more snugly and your bra fits against your breasts without causing discomfort or gaps. Use the guidelines above to make sure you  have a perfect fit.

More bra fitting tips!

Some women have come to me with their doctor’s advice not to wear underwire because it’s “unhealthy”. If you’ve heard this before, know that it’s mostly because women typically wear bras too small for them, which can cut off circulation to the surrounding lymphatic areas. Since your body needs to clear itself of its toxins, it is necessary to ensure proper and natural circulation, and squeezing your breasts into a small bra may prohibit your body’s natural functioning. As long as you are wearing the right size, and your breasts are being supported but not squished, wearing an underwired bra should not be a problem. Also make sure not to wear your bra 24 hours a day. It’s important to let them relax and “breathe”!

Always remember that you should do self breast exams periodically, but these should never replace regular breast exams with your doctor. Click here to view images from the American Cancer Society on how to conduct a self breast exam.

Stay tuned for the next installments of Bra Fitting Problems to learn how to fit your bra back and bra straps properly, and discover more helpful tips to find your perfect fit!

Need personalized help to diagnose your bra fitting problems? Want me to guide you to find the right bra size for you? Contact me! Comment here below, or email me personally at Plus, get more bra fitting tips by connecting with me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!

Celine, Your Bra Doctor




  • Nancy


    I just bought a 40B bra. It seemed to fit well in the store. But when I wear it, after a few hours, the band rolls up and I’m constantly tugging on it. What’s up with that?

  • admin

    Hello Nancy,
    Thank you for contacting us.

    When you tried the 40b in the store it was comfortable however after wearing it the band stretched a little and is riding up because the band is too big. If the cup is comfortable then you should try a 38C size bra. A 38c would have a similar cup to a 40b but the band is smaller.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Have a great day


  • Amy

    I have been fitted numerous times at a 32c before and after having children. I get gaps between my breast and cups. However, a 34b band is too big. How do I fix this problem?

  • admin

    Hello Amy,
    Thank you so much for contacting us. The gap or unfilled space in the cups means that the cup is slightly too big. A 34 band would not help because you did not mention that the band was too big. You basically have 4 options. The first get a padded push up bra in 32c A push up bra will push the breast tissue upwards and fill the gap of the cups. The second option is to get a push up pad You can insert the pad at the base of the cups and this will have the same effect as a push up bra. The last option is get a smaller cup size which means going from a 32c to a 32b. The last option is to try tightening your straps to see if the gap is less noticeable. You should try a 32b if the gap is significant because you will be change a full size. Don’t hesitate to ask me if you have any other questions. Have a great day. Celine

  • Jamie

    Hi there! I’ve been having the most awful time getting a good bra since gaining some weight during nursing school. It’s so bad that I’m wearing a 5ish year old bra because it’s the only one I have that’s supportive even though I know the size is wrong! I’ve tried plenty of stores and bras since and spent a lot of money on bras that I hate within weeks. My issues always seem to be:
    -everyone sizes down my cups when measured, but with the slightest movement I’m busting out and my cups run over big time. Generally want to put me in a D, I’ve been known to wear a DD-DDD.
    -despite that, I’m still gapping at the front with any movement.
    -my straps always dig in. I’ve attributed this to my larger bust, but I’ve never had a good example of what it should be.
    -I was a 34 band, now I measure in 36 apparently. In the latest bra I purchased, it’s riding up and is completely unsupportive.

  • admin

    Hello Jamie,
    Thank you for your email.

    I hope all is well.

    From your description it is evident that you are not wearing the proper size and style.

    Going forward DD+ cup size bras requires a full support bra. If the band rides up it means that the band is too big. The size of the brand is proper if you hook in the middle or loosest and it is comfortable. When you have the bra on you can lift your arms and if the band does not move, than the size is perfect. Let’s address the cups. You did not mention if you are wearing underwires. I would suggest an wireless bra so that you can be more comfortable. As far as the size is concerned I would try a 34E or 36E which is between DD and DDD. After having adjusted your straps, there is breast tissue overlapping on the sides increase the cup size, from DD to E or E to F and so on. A good example of a supportive bra is the following If both the band and cups are properly sized you will not have the issue of the straps digging in. You can also find shoulder cushions for the bra straps They will definitely help. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Have a great day. Celine

  • Kristen

    I have trouble finding bras that fit well. The same bra will have cups that are both not wide enough (it digs into both the inside and outside of my breasts) and too big (it gaps a lot at the top). Even with wireless bras where the armpit area isn’t as much of an issue, I can’t find a bra where the connector between the cups lays flat against my chest. It’s like my breasts are just closer together than normal bra cups and also extend farther around under my arms. Are there any non-uniboob bras that DON’T try to separate the breasts? Wireless is also a plus so it doesn’t dig on the outsides. Also, my torso is short so I need straps that can be adjusted significantly shorter and preferably cups that don’t come up too high. Demi cups fit me like normal cups fit normal people and full cups show in most shirts I own like normal v neck and scoop neck shirts – Nothing very low cut. Is there anywhere that makes custom bras? Is that my best bet?

  • admin

    Hello Kristen,
    Thank you for your reaching out to us.
    As soon as you wrote that the cups gap at the top, I knew immediately the issue. It is with sizing and styling. Let me explain. The full cup bras you have are too deep and thus the top gaps. When you said that the demi cups fit you like normal it is because you need a balconette style. If the bra has underwires they need to be very wide. I would be more than happy to suggest a few styles. Would you be able to let me know your size and the color you are looking for?
    Have a wonderful day


  • kacey

    My bra Underwire bra digs in under my breasts….please help…I am wearing a 36 d

  • admin

    Hello Kacey,
    Thank you so much for contacting us.

    The bra can dig under your breasts for a couple of reasons. The band may be too small and the wires are digging in under your breasts. The solution to this is try a 38C cup bra which is the equivalent to a 36d in the cup but wider in the band. You can also get a bra extender which will definitely alleviate the pressure from the underwires. You can also try bending the underwires outwards and retry the bra to see if you feel the wires. Lastly, it could also be that the styling for the bra is not convenient for your silhouette. You would get a style with a wider wire like the following I welcome any questions you may have so please don’t hesitate to ask. Have a great day. Celine

  • Mari

    I bought a wireless bra from target in 34B. Usually 32B is too tight for me. But while wearing it the band of the bra rolls upward and creates a lump underneath my clothes…I read on here that it indicates that the band is too big…but I’m not sure that’s the case for me as the 32B seems to be too small on me… Any suggestions??

  • admin

    Hello Mari,
    Thank you for contacting us. I hope all is well.
    Not all bras are made the same so it could very well be that the one you purchased has a big band. Hook your bra in the middle, adjust your straps and raise your arms, if the band rolls up, the size in in fact too big. I also need to indicate that going from a 32B to a 34B, both the cups and band increase. If you were looking just for the band to be bigger and the cup to have the same size the size up would be 34A.
    Please let me know if I you have any questions. Have a great day. Celine

  • Meghan

    Hello! I was recently fitted into a 36H, but the fitting didn’t include any breast tissue adjustment after putting on the bra. When I scoop myself into the cups, there is about 2 fingers width of fabric between where my breast ends and the underwire at the bottom of the cup. There is no spillage over the top of the cup, the gore sits firmly on my body. All my tissue is contained in the underwire on the sides under my arms, butthe wire might be back too far on my body. I’m not sure. Does that extra space between my breasts and the underwire underneath indicate that the cup is too big?

  • admin

    Hello Meghan,
    Thank you for reaching out to us. Once you scoop the breast tissue into the cups there should not be any space between the breast tissue and the underwires. Make both the straps and the band a little tighter. Retry the bra, scoop the breast tissue in the cups and see if you do in fact obtain the same effect, if you do, either the style or size is not convenient. If the bra is the correct size and style, there should not be any excess material. I welcome any questions you may have, so don’t hesitate to ask. Sincerely, Celine

  • Sideah Taylor

    Hey so I wear two different sizes… The first one is a 40c but my breast don’t stay in.So I went a size which is a 42c but my bra rides up my breast and there’s a gap between the bra and my breast.I love the full look the 42c gives but obviously I’m not wearing the right size please help.

  • admin

    Hello Sideah,
    Thank you for contacting us. I hope all is well. Because your explanation was excellent the answer is very easy. The size 40 band is comfortable but the breast tissue is too big to fit in the C cup. In the 42 band the bra rides up because the band is too big but the cups are comfortable. All this to say that your size is 40D. Let me explain. 42c = 40d in the cup but not in the band. So size 40D would be your ideal size. Let me know if yo have any questions. Sincerely, Celine

  • sandrakendall

    I wear a 42ddd but the back rides up. If I went to a 40ddd will this solve my problem?

  • admin

    Hello Sandra,

    Thank you for contacting us. If the bra rides up you do need a 40 size band however you would need an EE or FF cup so the size you have to try would be a 40FF. A 40ddd has a smaller cup than a 42ddd. I hope this helps. I welcome any questions you may have. Have a great day. Celine

  • Sideah Taylor

    Thanks so much! Will that the same size apply for a strapless bra?

  • Tara


    I’ve had numerous bra fits throughout school and have been told I am a 30DD only to be measured the same day (by a different fitter) and told I was in fact a 32D. One year later, I was measured once again and am currently wearing a 32C. This bra size fits fine, except there is a slight breast spillage at the side which is noticeable when I put my bras on and sometimes the strap at the back will start to climb up my back. I am tired of being told of sizes that are unrealistic for my body shape or breast size, so what should I do before buying more bras? (Something I am considering since the wire has poked through on a couple, causing me to throw them away) Should I avoid fitters and attempt to measure myself, or is this a problem that can be easily fixed?

  • admin

    You are most welcome Sideah. This size would apply for the strapless or sports bras as well. Let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Celine

  • admin

    Hello Tara,
    I hope all is well. Thank you for contacting us. I would like to address the fact that not all bras are made the same and it is a fact that you will wear different sizes. Sizing depends on the fabric and style. You were first measured 30DD and then 32D. The cups are the same however with the 32 the band is a little bigger, that’s the only difference between both sizes. With that said a 32C bra is smaller in the cups which results in the spillage or overflowing of the breast tissue you are having. This is not the size for you. Since the cups are the same for 30DD and 32D, the only remaining thing to do is to find out the preferred band size. This will determine your exact size. If with the 32 band you hook up the bra to the tightest and when you lift your arms the band moves than you need to go to the 30 band and therefore 30DD. If at the loosest not the tightest hook the 30 is too tight than you need the 32D. I hope this helps. Please don’t hesitate to email me should you have any questions. Sincerely, Celine

  • Lissla

    I’m a 32DDD last time I measured. I’m having trouble finding bras that fit right. One of my breasts is slightly bigger than the other so its the one that spills over much more often than not. Even in lightly lined bras I experience some spillage. I do NOT think I need a push-up bra but that’s mainly what I see nowadays, not to mention some of them are much prettier than lightly lined bras. I have heard some people go up a cup size for push-up bras so is that something I should do? I mainly want to avoid push-up bras but my size is pretty hard to find in patterns I like. Any advice?

  • admin

    Hello Lissla,

    Thank you for contacting us. I hope all is well.
    If the breast tissue has a different size when purchasing a bra you need to purchase the size to conform to the bigger breast not the smaller. In your case, since you are a 32DDD, you would need a 32G or 32H. In order for both breasts to appear to have the same size, you would need to get a push up pad or add a size depending on the size difference of both breasts. You do not need to purchase a push up bra, you just need to get a size to fit the bigger breast and work from there. I hope this helps. It would be my pleasure to answer any questions you may have. Have a great day. Celine

  • Derrick

    Hi, I’m a 33 year old man who wears a bra, I’m currently wearing a 40c. I have been fitted once but it was quick so that nobody would c me getting fitted, and she said that I was a 40c. I’ve noticed that when I wear my body by Victoria bras(that’s all I own) that 1. I don’t fill up the cup completely(its better if I cross the straps n th back) n also have gaps all along the top cup (where my cleavage is) 2. I like my bra to give good lift and cleavage but I keep adjusting my boobs because they don’t stay lifted and again it helps when I cross the straps but I still have 2 readjust.3 when I lay down on my back I have alot of excess fabric in my cups. What should I do 2 find a bra that I won’t have to keep adjusting myself, and will give me good support and cleavage? I also wear it on its tightest setting but it’s not too tight or loose.

  • admin

    Hello Derrick,
    Thank you so much for reaching out to us. You basically need a small pad to lift the breast tissue upwards. The size depends on your needs. I suggest a push up pad however if you feel you need to increase the cleavage by one size, I recommend an add a size
    Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
    Have a great day

  • Leah

    I was fitted at VS said 34d, (underwire, push up no show pink tshirt bra) fit was fine until 3 weeks of wear and the cups are rolling on the edges. I’ve never had a bra to do this. The band adjustment hasn’t changed but it feels tight and I mentioned that to the lady but she said it would stretch not to worry. The second issue is since I breastfed 4 babies there isn’t anything left except tissue really so finding a bra that fits is extremely hard! Thanks for your help in advance!

  • Sue Sews

    Hello. I am obese but do not have large breasts so fitting a bra has been awful. Basically I am a band size of 49. As I have been completely unable to find an A cup in a 50 I hunt down 48s that come in a B cup and use an extender. 48Cs are too big in the cup, with wrinkles and I have been unable to find a 50B.

    Does anybody make A-B cups for plus sizes? Sorry I am not more endowed, apparently there would be thousands of choices. I am so uncomfortable, I go without most of the time and suffer side effects from that too.

  • admin

    Hello Leah,
    Thank you for reaching out to us. It is not normal that the cups are rolling on the edges. This issue could be due to 2 things. The first is that you might have washed the bra in the washing machine and then put it in the dryer. The second is that you lost some weight and the breast tissue decreased slightly in size. If neither of the two conform then the issue is with the quality of the bra not you. I would go back to the store and speak to the manager. A bra should last between 1-3 years. Because of the second issue, you would need a push up bra in size 34d. This should not be difficult to find because the sizing and style are pretty common. The following are a couple of styles that are available with those parameters. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day. Celine

  • admin

    Hello Sue,

    Thank you so much for your email. Chances are 50B is the proper size but unfortunately not a common size which is why you are having difficulty finding it. Manufacturers do not make those sizes because they are rare. I would suggest you purchasing a 48C, any style that you like, bring it to a seamstress and she will add fabric on the sides. This will not cost you very much at all and you will have a customized bra. If a seamstress sews a bra from the beginning it can cost up up to $100.00. In this way, you already have the bra and all she needs is to add additional fabric at the center gore, side band and back. Not difficult and not expensive. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful day. Celine

  • Sharna

    Hi, I have quite heavy breasts and I go measure and they said I was a 32K the bra is on the middle hook and I can fit a finger under the back strap.
    I have a huge sore right the whole way across the front of my chest under the breast where the bra has rubbed the skin away and it’s starting to heal.
    I have had this problem on and off for a few years (rubbed skin then healing and repeat) does anyone have any ideas how to get around this problem, i’m so lost and I can’t go braless

  • admin

    Hello Sharna,
    Thank you for your email.
    The reason why the band is rubbing is because it is essentially too big. You mention that you are hooking your bra in the middle and can still fit a finger under the back strap. You can try hooking the bra at the tightest and lift your arms. If the band moves you will need to go to a size 30 band. If it does not move then you skin will no longer rub.
    If at the tightest the band moves, I would highly suggest you see a seamstress in order for her to make the band a little smaller. It is not very easy to find a 30L or 30M size bra. This will resolve your issue.
    I would also suggest you get a sports bra in your size.
    A sportsbra would alleviate the weight of the breast tissue whereas a regular bra might not. I welcome any questions you may have. Have a great day. Celine

  • Rose

    Hi, I am a 34A. The cups fit pretty well and I have enough support, but the back band keeps riding up. Adjusting the straps seems to further the issue. I have tried a 32A, but it was no better. Would an underwire bra work better, or is it something else?
    Thank you so much for your help.

  • admin

    Hello Rose,
    Thank you for contacting us.

    When the band rides up it means that it is too big. Since the cups of the 34a are good and if you downsize the band to fit the cup size, your ideal size is a 32B. If you go from 34A to 32A then you decrease both the band and the cups which is not what you want to do. I hope this helps however I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have. Have a wonderful day. Celine

  • Nadine

    I went to a bra fitting and purchase 44C Prima Donna Madison Bra. I now need a strapless bra for a bridesmaid dress. But it hard for me to find a 44. I’d like to start with the same brand but the only go to a 40. If I purchased a 40 and add bra extenders would that work? And if so should I go up in cup size?

  • admin

    Hello Nadine,
    Thank you so much for reaching out to us. I would try a 40E. I am concerned since it is going from 44 to 40 the center gore may be affecting and the width may be a little small.
    I would also suggest an alternative in your size although I don’t know if you are looking for black or white.
    Bonitaz has strapless corsets in your size which are really great. The advantage to a corset is that it will support more. I welcome any questions you may have.

    Have a wonderful day

  • Nadine

    Hi Celine,

    I’ll look into this corset.

  • admin

    Sounds good. Let me know if you have any questions. Celine

  • Cheryl

    Hi! I’m having a hard time figuring out my size. I had a breast augmentation about 4 years ago, and a baby 1.5 years ago. I only wear wireless bras. I’m trying to transition out of my nursing bras and my pre-baby bra doesn’t fit. It is a 34D from Gap. It’s a little tight on the band, even on the lowest hook. I do have spillage, and there is a gap in the the band in front (between my breasts), so it doesn’t sit flush on my body. Can you please help me figure out what size I would be? Thank you!

  • admin

    Hello Cheryl,

    Thank you so much for contacting us. The sizing for Gap bras is a little different than other brands however I will try to help. If the bra is sized at 34D and the band is tight at the loosest hook, you should try a 36c or you can get a bra back extender which would make the band a little wider. If you have spillage or the breast tissue is overflowing it means that the cups are a little small so you would need to increase the cup size to a 36D so that the center gore of the bra sits flush on your body. As I specified Gap bras don’t have the same sizing as regular bras and the support may also be a little light than what you need. You may also need to upgrade to a medium support bra. I welcome any questions you may have. Have a great day. Celine

  • Catherine

    Hi there. I’m a 36C. I’d like to wear an underwire bra but I’m finding it hard to get an underwire that doesnt dig into my breastbone. What should I be looking for?
    Thanks for useful tips.

  • admin

    Hello Catherine,
    I would like to thank you for contacting us.
    The fact that the underwire is digging in your breastbone can be due to the size or the bra itself. If the cup creases a little close to the armpits than you should try a 36b. If there is not gap, I can suggest a little trick. With your two fingers, bend the underwires outward, try the bra and see if it makes a difference. If there is still some digging, repeat the process until there is no more digging. I hope this helps, if not, please let me know. Have a wonderful day. Celine

  • Shannon

    I recently bought a bra but am having a few issues, the underwire has rubbed the side of my breast and has made it bleed and is now very sore.. I struggle to find a bra that fits as I’m a rather small/skinny person.. can you help?

  • admin

    Hello Shannon,

    I would like to thank you for contacting us. I hope all is well.

    First I would like to address the immediate issue which is the rubbing of the underwires. Try to bend the underwires outwards and retry the bra, repeat until you don’t feel the underwires and are comfortable.

    I suspect there is also a size issue. It may be, like many women, the breast tissue is slightly smaller on one side than the other which would relate to the issue you are having. It could also be that the band is slightly small. You would know this if you lift your arms and the band moves. What size bra are you wearing? Please let me know. Thanks and have a great day. Celine

  • Cam

    Thanks for this wonderful contribution to womankind! I’m not sure if this has been asked but I recently purchased Chantelle bras at Nordstrom’s which is an unlined bra with underwire at 38 DD. I’m a little overweight and have a distended higher tummy area where the underwire touches when I sit. The underwire feels low and felt low when I first tried it on at the store. The sales lady however checked the fit and felt that the size was just right (she also measured me beforehand). When I tried it on again at home, the underwire still feels low and there’s about a half-inch to an inch of cup material along with the wire that is sitting flat against my rib cage rather than under the fold of my breast. I also tried bending the wire, adjusting shoulder straps, and tightening the band. Nothing seemed to keep the wire to fit right under my breast. And when I sit the underwire also touches the top of my belly. Am I wearing a cup too large? Or should I try a balconette with less cup and more support underneath? My breasts are shaped evenly around, not very dense, though they are heavy.

  • admin

    Hello Camilla,

    Thank you so much for your email.

    I hope all is well.

    Basically there is an issue with the style and size.

    Comfort is optimal when wearing a bra. If you are not able to return the bra, I would suggest you remove the underwires altogether. You can remove them from the sides, try the bra and you will see that you will feel more comfortable.

    The bra is too big on the band if: You lift your arms and the band moves.

    The bra is too big on the cups if: The bra creases on the sides and if the underwires are poking under the armpits.

    Basically although the 38DD is your size, the style is not convenient. You should have wider underwires and, yes, a balconette would be better.

    You should consider trying styles that look like this:

    not like this one

    Notice the difference in styling.

    The underwires need to be wider and not sit on tummy. Their function is to hold the breast tissue in place.

    I hope this helps, if not please let me know and I would be most happy to answer any questions you may have.



  • Michelle

    I’ve recently lost some weight and am having a hard time fitting myself. I’m currently in a 42C Vanity Fair underwire. But, there is a gap between center of breast and cup. So, I went with a 42B Bali underwire. Now, there is bunching of the fabric of the cup at the top of my breast. Help!

  • admin

    Hello Michelle,

    Thank you for contacting us. From the description of the issue you are having, the cup size is still a little too big. If the cup bunches you should reduce the cup size to an A cup. You are currently wearing a 42 band size. You did not indicate if that was too big. If you hook the bra at the tightest hook, I would try a 40b size cup bra. If you hook your bra at the loosest, than remain with the 42. If you hook your bra in the middle, you can still try a 40b to see if you are confortable. Hope this helps. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Have a great day. Celine

  • Karen

    My bras are 34 b and push up. I havent noticed them any bigger but all of a sudden my breasts spill over the top so Im constantly putting them back in. Do i need to go to a c cup?

  • admin

    Hello Karen,

    Thank you so much for contacting us. Although a push up bra has the functionality of pushing the breast tissue upwards the fact that your breasts spill over indicates that the cups may be a tad small so I would, like you said, try a 34c size bra. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Sincerely, Celine

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