If you really believe there’s no such thing as a comfortable bra… think again.
You just haven’t tried Magic Wire®!

This revolutionary underwire technology was created by Triumph Lingerie and it has completely changed the comfort capabilities of their modern, quality-made bras. It’s a flexible, non-metal wire that conforms to the breast. You aren’t losing any of the support you usually have from a bra. Seriously, this wire has won awards. Imagine wearing an award-winning bra? How fabulous!
This flexible wire feels like it moves with you all day, every day. The wire is sewn into the padding of the cups so on the skin, it feels more plush than you might think.

Magic Wire® is a perfect alternative for women who just don’t like underwire. You honestly don’t lose any of that lift that you really want.
You can also find Magic Wire® in various styles, because it’s such a popular feature. Triumph is known for this unique underwire, so they always find new styles to feature it in. You’ve got your everyday bras, your fancy bras, and even your sports bras.

Magic Wire® can also be perfect for those ladies who find underwire painful, or are even sensitive to it. Yes, that’s a thing women have to deal with! Wire can dig into the ribs or the chest and cause pain with movement, and some women are more sensitive to that based on their body structure. So if you really cannot deal with underwire but miss the extra support it gives, Magic Wire® is a saving grace.

A quick note: Any underwire is not supposed to dig in or hurt. If it does, unless you have a sensitivity or your body is shaped differently, it digs in and hurts because the bra doesn’t fit.
So what are you waiting for? We’ve refreshed our collection of Triumph and will continue to, which means you’ll see more and more Magic Wire® bras in the future. Are you ready to become obsessed?
What is your favorite bra style for every day?
Let us know in the comments below!
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Until next time,
All Bra Doctor’s Blog content is the sole property of Now That’s Lingerie, We do not authorize any republishing of our content for any reason, with or without credit.
For any and all inquiries regarding the Bra Doctor’s Blog, including permissions, contributions, and more, email alicia@nowthatslingerie.com.
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