It feels like at the end of the year, we make all of these empty promises to ourselves for all the wrong reasons. It’s like there’s all this pressure to make the next year something so magnificent, and we’re not always realistic.
That’s why New Year’s resolutions don’t always stick. We may try them out for a couple of weeks and then we just give up.
There’s nothing wrong with the thought of New Year’s resolutions, though! Going forward with an intention to improve or do something different is never a bad thing.
And so, with 2020 approaching very quickly, we’ve thought of some New Year’s resolutions that we should all strive for. Think simple, beneficial, but they can also lead to lots of happiness in the future!
No More Body Shaming

Next year should be the year we stop being mean to our bodies!
It’s okay if you want to start eating healthy, exercising, and want to do things that make you feel good. These are very healthy habits to have!
However, being motivated by wanting to change yourself isn’t always healthy. We should stop thinking that we’re not good enough, and stop holding ourselves back from who we want to be, what we want to wear, and how we want to feel beautiful and sexy.
Learn Something New!

Learning a new skill is a fabulous way to nurture our minds and practice being motivated and excited for things.
It could be learning how to cook healthy meals, budgeting, or even a new language.
Try with just one thing so you don’t get overwhelmed. By the end of 2020, you may be surprised at just how good you’ve become at something you’ve never tried before.
Get A Bra Fitting (Or Two)

Of course we had to slip this in here.
Knowing your bra size is an important step in having the best relationship with lingerie that you can have. Good lingerie makes you feel invigorated and sexy, it improves the way your clothes fit, and it’s also fun to look at!
Lingerie isn’t about showing off for others (although there’s nothing wrong with that), it’s also a nice way to treat yourself and appreciate your body.
Make Time For Kindness

There’s no doubt that this world could use some more kindness.
Making an effort to do something kind for others doesn’t have to be overly expensive, time consuming, or extravagant. It could be as simple as paying for a stranger’s coffee, finding some toiletries or pantry staples on sale to bring to the food bank, or donating even just $5 to an amazing charity. It could be volunteering once a month, or paying a stranger a nice compliment.
These little things could really mean so much to someone else, and it’s more rewarding to do something for other people than for yourself.
We hope that 2020 is a year full of excitement, happiness, sexiness, and beautiful lingerie!
Leave us a comment and let us know what some of your New Year’s resolutions are.
Celebrate the new year with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Happy New Year!
All Bra Doctor’s Blog content is the sole property of Now That’s Lingerie, We do not authorize any republishing of our content for any reason, with or without credit.
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