You have heard this piece of advice time and time again. It may feel like it’s getting old, but you probably need to hear it again: good sleep is important!
It is incredible what a healthy, consistent sleep schedule can do for your overall well-being. From sharpening your mental clarity, to easing stress and tension, and giving you energy, there is no way to stress just how crucial a good sleep is.

Now, we know getting a good sleep is easier said than done. Unfortunately, I am only a Bra Doctor, so I can’t give you advice on improving your sleep – but I can give you advice on improving your sleepwear!
First of all, why does it matter what you wear to bed? Well, it’s not going to make or break your sleep, but it is nice to feel comfortable when you go to bed. It is important that, when you’re sleeping, you’re in something breathable, lightweight, and soft, so your bits and bobs have an opportunity to breathe.

Plus, don’t you just feel a little bit better when you’re wearing something that feels good, but also just happens to make you feel nice as well? The power of how what you wear can make you feel is definitely underrated. Too often, we think it’s sufficient to just wear our old, beat up sweatpants and t-shirts so they don’t just get thrown out. While that’s fine sometimes, it’s so much better to show yourself some self-care with some high-quality, comfortable sleepwear that adds another reason to smile to your day.

The nice thing about sleepwear right now is that with its rise in popularity, designs are becoming more fashion forward. That way, you don’t have to just save your sleepwear for night time. You can also make it work in your everyday wardrobe.
How much of a priority do YOU make your sleepwear?
Let us know in the comments below.
Yours In Lingerie,
Celine The Bra Doctor

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