You may see “minimizer bra” and immediately think these bras are for ladies who want to make their boobs look smaller.

Well, that’s not exactly what they do. Sure, the minimizer bra can reduce the overall look of your breast size. But, there’s more to a minimizer bra, and they serve a bigger purpose.

Every Day In Lace Moulded Underwire Minimizer Bra by Naturana

A minimizer bra is sort of like shapewear for your bust. The cups are built with special material that can help even out the distribution of weight in your bust. The result is an overall smoother, more round finish.

Triumph Contour Sensation Underwire Minimizer Bra

This more even distribution doesn’t result in your bust looking significantly smaller. But because the bras do pull in and hold in your breasts, there is a slight shrinking effect. So, a minimizer bra can essentially minimize anything you might be self conscious of when it comes to unevenness.

Triumph True Shape Sensation Underwire Minimizer Bra

The support of a minimizer bra is also fantastic. You don’t have to worry about feeling like you’re all over the place. It brings in the bust, lifts it up, and makes it look nice and round. You can also shop minimizers with or without wire, to really cater to your personal comfort level.

So, why should you consider a minimizer? To feel good! You also get to minimize your size slightly for a couple of great reasons. Maybe you find your button ups pucker a bit at the bust? A minimizer bra can help you deal with that pesky problem!

Firm Support Classic Wire Free Bra With Lace by Warner’s

A minimizer also has coverage around the bust so you don’t worry about any spilling out of your bra. Some of those slinkier, sexier styles just don’t cut it for everyday wear. The band and the straps really help contribute to this extra special support as well, with the fabric of every minimizer being carefully selected to avoid bunching or sagging.

Contouring Sensation Underwire Minimizer Bra by Triumph

If you select a minimizer bra for your next purchase, you’ll get elite support, straps that stay up, an even shape, and the ultimate comfort.

If you have any more questions about minimizer bras, you can also chat with our Bra Doctor to see if these bras are right for you.

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Until next time,


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