Last Updated September 20, 2014
If you’re wondering if it’s “normal” to have uneven breasts, and want to make your girls look more even, then read on!
During her interview with Jimmy Kimmel in February, Jennifer Lawrence spoke candidly about her uneven breasts. She said, “I just went to the doctor today and got a chest x-ray of my lungs and found out my breasts were uneven.” She didn’t seem particularly bothered by this, and indeed it’s the first time I’ve ever heard a public figure speaking so openly about the symmetry of their breasts! (Typically, celebrity breast discussions in Hollywood typically address the question of whether breasts are real or fake or WHY they are popping out of that dress!) .
I love that Jennifer was so open about her naturally uneven breasts, because believe it or not, most women have at least a slight size difference between their breasts, even if it’s not very noticeable. I have rarely seen women with two breasts that are exactly the same size. As if bra fitting weren’t complicated enough, right? Different women may have asymmetrical breast sizes for different reasons. Unfortunately, most women don’t know what to do to fix their uneven breasts, so they (sadly) end up wearing bras that are not the right size.
Here are some quick tricks and tips from our Bra Doctor Celine to easily help you even out the appearance of asymmetrical breasts when your breasts are not the same size.

A common bra fitting problem: Her bra cups are too small, and the underwires are cutting into her breasts and creating spillage.
Over the course of her lifetime, a woman’s bra size can change more than five times. For many developing women, this is also the time when one’s breasts may not grow at the exact same rate, sometimes leaving one side noticeably bigger than the other. Factor in body changes resulting from pregnancy, breast feeding, weight gain or loss, medication, surgery and menopause, and it’s easy to see how the shape of your breasts changes over time. You should always make sure your bras fit you and are comfortable, because if they aren’t, then you definitely are not wearing the right size or style bra.
This brings me to one of the most important rules of bra fitting: if your breasts are different sizes, your bra should fit comfortably over the larger (not smaller) breast. The cup on the larger side should fit the entirety of your breast tissue without cutting into you. Sure, there may be a gap or a pleat in the cup where the smaller breast resides, but you can fill the space with a bra pad. This way, the underwire will not constrain your larger breast. NEVER, EVER buy a bra that fits only the smaller side comfortably, while the larger breast spills over the fabric of the cup or is constrained in any way by underwire or elastics.
So what are some available solutions to making your breasts look naturally even? Read this blog and watch our vlog to get all the info you need!
Click here or on the image below to watch our NEW video on How To Fix
Uneven Breasts!
1. For starters, wearing a bra that at least has a lined cup, like a contour bra, moulded bra or padded bra, will go a long way in making both sides look more similar. Don’t just wear a bra that is very padded, since this will make both sides seem bigger, but the size difference between your breasts will remain the same. Any bra with some padding can help minimize the appearance of having uneven breasts. If you love wire-free bras, you can find wire-free padded bras too. See #3 on how to add bra pads to your bras to even out the cups.
2. If your breasts are just a little asymmetrical, then you can try wearing a bra that has removable pads or removable cookies; by taking these pads out of the cup on the side of your larger breast, and inserting these pads into the bra pockets in the smaller cup, you help even out smaller differences between your breasts’ size. This is usually a perfect little trick if your breasts are just slightly uneven in size, but if there is still a noticeable discrepancy, you might want to try to use other bra pads instead of, or in addition to, the removable cookies.
3. Silicone, foam, water and gel pads, when added to the smaller side of your bra, can fill out the remaining gaps or spaces in your smaller bra cup. My customers have told me they really like the Bra Doctor silicone bra pads because they’re sleek and lightweight for this, and the Add-A-Size fabric pad by Fashion Essentials is also a popular choice. But you can also try other bra pads. When adding bra pads to your bra, it would be best to use them in a padded bra (see #1), so that any slight demarcations of the bra pad, if any, will be minimized.
4. If you have a more noticeable difference in the symmetry of your breasts (a cup size or more, for example), Add-A-Size bra pads are definitely worth a try, either in silicone (see Glam silicone pads) or fabric with foam (see Add-A-Size pads).
5. Women who have had a mastectomy can try a mastectomy bra, which has inside pockets so you can discreetly add a prosthesis or bra pad. Add-A-Size pads can help fill out small differences between each side in some cases.
6. When using silicone instead of foam pads, don’t use more than one silicone pad inside the cup on the smaller size, because it could look and feel heavier and bulkier than the other side (unless if you want to walk lopsided all day, be my guest!). Foam and fabric bra pads are naturally lighter than silicone, water, or gel pads.
7. After inserting your bra pads, don’t forget to re-adjust your bra straps and back closure to ensure both sides look equal and you feel comfy.
8. Make sure your bra pads don’t slip out of your bra! Body Tape can save your social life in seconds. This double-sided adhesive fashion tape can be cut to any length you require, but only one or two small pieces of tape between your bra pad and your bra, or your bra and your dress (ideal for strapless styles), will ensure long-term hold and won’t damage your garments or pads.
9. Fix uneven breasts in your bikini or bathing suit with Beach silicone pads. And don’t forget the Body Tape! I have seen physical evidence that Body Tape holds up even when you’re in the water. You can try taping your bra pads to the inside of your bikini or bathing suit top to make sure they don’t slip out while you’re having fun getting nautical!
9. For a comprehensive bra pad guide for different needs, click here to read Bra Doctor’s Guide to Bra Pads.
Lastly– if you want more bra fitting help tailored to your size and needs, please contact me. I’ve fitted women of all sorts of shapes and sizes, and I can help you find out what best suits you. Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. I’d love to hear from all of you! You can also connect with me on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube.
Sincerely, as always,
Your Bra Doctor Celine
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9 years agoHi. I’m 49, and the size difference between my breasts has increased. One actually got bigger (woo hoo!), but the other stayed the same. One is bigger than a B, the other is less than a B…I think. I’m not sure of the exact sizes. I have a little spillover cleavage (a C cup would be too large) from my left one, and a huge gap on my left one, in my 36B bra.
I have a couple of things I’d like to ask. First, I need a new bathing suit. When I put on my old suit, the size difference looks horrific (my left breast barely fit in it at all, I had to tuck in my nipple and not move very much).. I was going by myself to an almost empty pool for an hour, so it did the job. Are there better places to buy swimsuits? Ones with side pockets? The only ones I find have the tiny hole in the front with a light, nipple pad you can barely get back into shape after washing. I definitely need the front pad too, so my nipples don’t show, I’d just like to find ones that fit better..
I get very hot, very easily, always have. So I don’t want to put anything too heavy in the bra part.
Speaking of hot.. I feel I need an underwire bra for the support.. I’m very saggy, and hate the way other bras look on me. They are also lightly lined. This makes for a very hot bra. They increase my body temperature by like 15 degrees in the summer, or if I’m simply moving around..walking.. It’s horrible. Do you have any suggestions for a cooler, but supportive and concealing bra?
Thank you so much for your time!
9 years agoHello Beth!
Thank you for reaching out to us. Having two breasts that are different sizes is all too common. It’s very important to know what size each breast is, so we highly recommend either getting yourself measured, or using our at-home measuring guide.
You will have to do this before you can begin shopping for bras or bathing suits, because the best thing to do is ensure that you have the biggest breast in a supportive bra, and using some sort of bra pad to fill in the other side. The nice thing is that we have some bra pads made out of different materials – perhaps some sort of silicone pad would be ideal for you, as a cloth or fabric one may not assist your body temperature needs.
Unfortunately, we don’t offer much in swimwear, but we do have some that you can look at here ( We can recommend shopping at a lingerie store that offers swimwear, as you can not only find more support, but can also find those bathing suit tops that have pockets for adding and removing pads.
It is definitely possible to try wire-free bras with ample support (, but there are also bras with partial wires or non-metal wires that you can look to for that perfect balance of support and breathability. Here are some with pockets that will support your bra pads (
For specific recommendations: (; (; (
We hope this helps! Please let us know if there are any other things we can help you with.
9 years agoI’m 15 and I have a small figure, like really small, but then my boobs are DD. The one is much bigger than the other! Like much bigger. Everyone can tell! And I have no idea how to fix this. I can’t find any bras or bathing suits to fit and it’s causing me not to be able to go to the pool or beach.
9 years agoHello Samantha,
Thank you so much for contacting us. The issue you are having is quite normal and I will give you advice in order for you to resolve this. If there is a full size difference between both breasts than you can add an add a size silicone pad, if the difference is slight but not more than 1 size, then you can add The pads are put at the base of the bra in order to push the breast tissue up and in this way both breasts look as though they are the same size. I welcome any questions you may have, so please ask. Celine
Confidence Mordi
8 years agoMy name is Confidence, am 34 a Nigerian. Please what do I do? Cause my right hand breast is very small and it has been a concern for me. Please help me. Thank you
8 years agoHello Confidence,
Thank you for your email.
I understand that you wear a 34a bra and one of the breast is smaller than the other. You don’t mention though how much smaller. Having one breast smaller than the other is not unusual in fact it is quite common so you do not need to worry. If there is a significant size discrepency, over 2 cup size difference, if you are concerned you can consult a doctor and that will alleviate any concerns you may have.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
5 years agoHi am pretty,and am 18.My boobs had been uneven for 4 yrs now the left breast is bigger and more full than the bra size is 38. The bigger breast is so obvious that i get this looks from virtually everyone i come across. Please help me.thank you.
5 years agoHello Pretty,
Thank you for contacting us.
From your description of the issue, it seems that a breast enhancer would be ideal for you. The Glam Add a Size will add a full size but you should take a look at what the other styles on that link has to offer.
Let me know if you have any questions.
4 years agoHello Pretty, i am 32. i also had been uneven for 3 years and the right breast is bigger. My bra size is 37, The bigger breast so abviously.. please help.
4 years agoHello Sammy C,
Thank you for posting a comment. In order for both breast to appear to be the same size, you would need a breast enhancer You would put the pad in the cups of the smaller breast and in that way both breasts would appear to be the same size.
I hope this helps, if not don’t hesitate to write back.
4 years agoHi, I’m Prem, my left chest is noticeably bigger than my right, is there any way I can fix this without padding?
4 years agoHello Prem,
You have a few options. An add a size, which is padded unfortunately, would make the smaller breast equal to the bigger breast.
I am not sure what style bra you are wearing but if you wear a bra who cups stretch, the difference is less evident.
You can also wear a minimizer bra that would compress the breast tissue of the bigger breast. That could be an option.
Let me know if you have any questions.
2 years agoHi, I’m 56 but have always had the same size difference with the girls. I am an A on the left but AA or AAA on the right. Very noticeable. I found a lightly padded bra I like and it fits great on the left but the padding is getting all bumpy on the right because there is nothing there. I looked for your products on your site but couldn’t find. Where would I buy them?
2 years agoHello Lori,
Thank you for contacting us. You may consider a bump pad or push up bra pad for the smaller breast. In this way both breasts will seem to have the same size. Please let me know if you have any questions.