We might sound like a broken record when we discuss how essential it is for your bras to fit properly. We’re not preaching for our health. We’re doing it for yours!
A huge reason why some people don’t like bras, choose not to wear bras, or don’t put any effort into shopping for bras, is because they are so used to wearing the wrong size that they are convinced that there’s no way a bra could ever be comfortable. We know that’s not true, hence why we are so passionate about educating people about proper bra fitting.
If a bra is too tight or too loose, it’s going to do a disservice to you. It isn’t going to give you the support that you need, and it definitely will not feel good.

Today, we’re going to focus on the issues that can come with bras that are too tight. This is a common problem for people who wear bras. This could be due to not consistently measuring your bra size (our boobs change size multiple times throughout our lives), not being happy with your true bra size, or just not wanting to spend the money on new bras.
Constriction Isn’t Good For Your Breasts

You already know how uncomfortable something that is too tight is. Your breasts are very tender, precious, and sensitive. A bra that is too tight will constrict your breasts, which can cause or exacerbate breast tenderness, breast pain, and in some cases, can even restrict blood flow and proper breast function. We won’t get all scientific on you, but just know that your breasts need to be able to breathe and should gently relax into a bra.
Improper Support

While your breasts might feel like they’re locked in securely in a tight bra, that’s not necessarily the case. If the cups are too tight, your breast tissue can spill over the tops or the sides because the cups can’t secure the entire breast inside of them. Your cups should feel like a warm hug around your breasts. Your straps and your band should sit on your body, with a tiny bit of wiggle room to adjust as necessary. Your wires, should you choose a bra with wires, should sit flat underneath your breasts against your torso, and should never dig into your breast tissue.

A bra that is too tight can cause pain in a lot of areas. We briefly touched on breast pain from bras that constrict your breasts. You might also notice shoulder pain, neck pain, and back pain with an ill-fitting bra. This is, once again, because despite how a tight bra might feel, you are not getting the proper support. Your bra is designed to take some of the burden of carrying your breasts off of your body. No matter your size, wearing a bra that doesn’t properly support you can lead to pain that can get worse over time and disrupt your life.
If you need any advice on how to find your proper size, or what styles will work best for you, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or reach out to me privately here.
Do you struggle with bras that are too tight?
Let us know in the comments below and we can help you out!
For more bra tips, follow us on our socials:
Yours In Lingerie,
Celine The Bra Doctor
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