Are you taking the time to breathe in that new year, Spring fresh air?
It’s all about letting the old go and letting the new in, right?! So when you’re catching up on all the cleaning you haven’t done while you’ve been nesting in the winter, make sure you’re going through your wardrobe.
No, not just your clothes. You need to clean out your lingerie too!
How exactly do you Spring Clean your lingerie wardrobe? You’ll want to read these tips and write it on your cleaning list this year. Not only is it nice to go shopping with a purpose to replace what you need, but there are also some key things to keep in mind for your health and your happiness.
Does It Fit?

Take the time to try on the lingerie you own and do some fit tests.
Is your underwear digging into your hips or slipping down while you move?
Does your bra have gaping in the cups or do they dig into your breasts? Can you fit your whole hand through the back band? Does the bra ride up in the back?
These are all questions to ask when really examining how your lingerie fits you. If it doesn’t fit, you either need to get rid of it or donate it!
Is It Ripped?

This one is simple. You don’t need to hold on to ripped lingerie.
You deserve to have quality lingerie all the time! If it’s damaged, you shouldn’t keep it just because you might need it or it’s sentimental.
Do I Like It Anymore? Does It Serve A Purpose?

Once again, you shouldn’t keep lingerie just because.
Lingerie can make you feel hot and sexy, and it can be a fun experience to immerse yourself in its beauty. If it doesn’t make you happy to look at it, it has to go.
Can I Repair This?

Pinterest has all sorts of hacks to repurpose things you can’t use for its original purpose.
You might be able to do something with lingerie that’s ripped to turn it into another product. You may also be able to replace some straps, or get a back band extender if some of your hooks are broken.
What Do I Really Need? What Can I Donate?

Do you have ten black lace bras? You may not need all of them.
We’ll never tell you that you have too much lingerie, but some people find solace in reducing the amount of things that they have. Consider donating some of your gently used bras or sleepwear to a place that could really use it for good.
Don’t donate underwear, though.
What Do I Realistically Need This Year?

Once you’ve finished editing your lingerie collection, you might notice some things missing.
Think about what you really need to round out your wardrobe. Maybe it’s a strapless bra, or even a fun colorful piece of lingerie that sparks more joy. When you focus on what you need, you’ll shop smarter, and you won’t have to do a huge Spring Clean next year!
And of course, we can’t forget – get a bra fitting after! Maybe your bust has changed since the last time you got yourself measured or measured yourself.
Do you have any Spring Cleaning tips that you swear by every year?
Share with us in the comments below!
Have the best lingerie life ever when you follow our tips and other fun things on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Until next time,
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