If you follow us on our social media, you know we’re proponents of sharing any lingerie news we find is positive and uplifting. There’s no denying the monumental movements that have been happening in the lingerie industry over the past couple of years. It used to be an industry that was very one-dimensional, focusing on a certain type of woman and churning out the idea that lingerie was only meant to enhance certain aspects of an unrealistic body type that not all women have. That’s why we believe what’s happening in lingerie right now is very important, and we’re giving you five reasons why we think so.
1. There needs to be more diversity in lingerie media.
Wouldn’t it be lovely if media chose to reflect the realistic spectrum of people? Particularly when it comes to women of colour, there is a lack of diversity in lingerie that is slowly changing, but not enough yet. There are very few well-known and celebrated lingerie models that are of colour and so many lingerie proponents like bloggers and enthusiasts are pushing to make this known and uplift those rare campaigns that do show women of colour. One of the most famous campaigns of late trying to dispel the lack of inclusivity for women of colour in media was the Nude for All campaign by Naja showcasing several shades of “nude” bras, as much of the nude lingerie that’s existed for a while haven’t worked for a diverse range of women.
2. Women don’t just want one definition of sexuality anymore.

Curvy Kate’s revolutionary Scantilly campaign that caused a lot of controversy online. Courtesy of Yahoo.
Not all women define sexy as something lacy in black or red. As the concept of gender becomes more and more inclusive, what’s considered feminine and womanly needs to as well. Lingerie designers are getting wind of this and are trying to create more designs that speak to an individuals’ taste, regardless of how they identify or regardless of what their concept of femininity is. So whether or not you feel sexy in lace, satin, boxers, a cotton set, or a sports bra and granny panty, the options are becoming more readily available and in some cases, are being regarded as sexy just as much as what used to be. It’s all sexy when YOU feel sexy in it!
3. Young girls are affected by what they see in the media.

A beautiful image of a young girl feeling strong via Straight.com from an article about young girls combating negative media messages.
There are too many studies to cite that show the correlations between what young, impressionable girls see in the media and how it affects their self perceptions and their need to identify with something. So if young girls are only seeing one type of woman with one type of body, it’s hard for them to understand that anything but that is worthy of the type of praise and esteem models get. So with body positivity becoming increasingly popular, photoshop becoming less popular, and the rally of women of all shapes, sizes, colours, and gender identity coming out of the woodwork to declare their stance on beauty and sensuality and inclusivity, we can expect to see an increase in young girls being uplifted to an understanding that it’s less about looks and more about inner confidence shining through and the character of the person.
4. Women of all body types are becoming more confident.

A quote about confidence via Pinterest.
The amount of stories we read every day about women – not just famous models – but ordinary women using social media and other outlets to proudly declare their love of their bodies has to partially be contributed to the body positive movement. More and more women are learning that uplifting each other rather than tearing each other down because of insecurity is much more effective, and so reading these stories and seeing women break the body barriers is inspiring, so much so that it’s helping women rediscover their own beauty.
5. As lingerie becomes more inclusive, it becomes more successful.
When Aerie decided to forgo Photoshop in all of their advertisements and use a diverse range of women to model their lingerie, the company saw their sales spike significantly. That’s because in marketing and advertising, there’s been a shift from the consumer wanting to purchase for self-betterment to a consumer wanting to purchase because they identify with a product. While every lingerie company may not have the capacity to cater to every single person, the more they consider that there is more than just one type of woman and try to include them and represent them, it can be believed that it will only make the company more successful.
Is there any particular campaign or movement that’s happened in lingerie over the past few years that has really spoken to you? We’d love to know, so please leave them in the comments below. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter where we continue to monitor and share everything that is happening in the lingerie industry. Our Pinterest is always full on lingerie inspiration so be sure to follow us on there, and learn some of our lingerie tips from our YouTube channel.
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