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5 Infographics We Find Help Explain Lingerie

On #ShopNTL, we do more than just sell lingerie; we try and share information that helps our lingerie lovers make the best lingerie decisions to make them happy and confident. Our Bra Doctor blog is definitely our favourite avenue to share our knowledge with you, but we also love to share other resources that we think will also be helpful and informative. For visual learners, infographics can be awesome tools to learn something efficiently, with a marriage of images and text that help give a full picture of what’s being communicated. We’ve gathered up 5 infographics that we think help explain the various aspects of lingerie, from fit, to necessity, and much much more. Some of them may be easier to read on their original site, so we have the links attached for you!

Do YOU have a lingerie related question? Leave our Bra Doctor a comment on this post or contact her here.

1. Bra Sizes Explained- BuzzFeed



Even though bra sizes are simply a number and a letter, they are much more complicated than that and therefore many women are deterred from finding out what theirs truly is. There are sister sizes, there are differences between styles and brands, and also inconsistencies between the country a bra is manufactured in. We love this infographic because it truly breaks down these differences and what goes into a bra size in so many ways. You can see how to measure both your cup and brand size, and also convert bra sizes based on the country of origin.

2. Bridal Lingerie 101


Choosing what lingerie to wear under your wedding dress can be a task. Do you go for something sexy and alluring so you don’t have to change when you’re alone with your new spouse, or do you go for something practical that you can slip off to get into something sexier? The choice is truly up to you, but this infographic can help you make that decision. It tackles some of the most common questions a bride to be may have when lingerie shopping for her special day.

3. The Bra That Matches The Dress


Dresses are getting more and more abstract and complicated, which means knowing which bra to wear with which dress can be a task. This infographic breaks down some of the most current and common styles of dresses and makes a bra suggestion for each. So the next time you’re shopping and you’re considering letting a dress you love go because you don’t know what to wear underneath, remember this infographic and treat yourself to a frock you love.

4. Are You Wearing The Wrong Bra Size?


This is a simple yes or no infographic that can help you determine whether or not you’re wearing the right bra size. It’s a great tool to consider playing with as you’re trying to decide whether or not to get a fitting. You should definitely go for regular fittings or self-measure often because of how often your body can change. However, this is a great start and could be a surprising revelation for some!

5. The Uncomfortable Truth About Men’s Underwear


We are really refreshed by this infographic targeting men’s underwear issues, as it’s not often a topic of conversation. Boxers or briefs are not the only questions to consider when discussing men’s underwear. This infographic opens up the beginnings of a dialogue about comfort and fit issues men can have regarding their underwear. It’s definitely an eye opener for us in the industry to know how men can be helped finding the perfect underwear for their lifestyle and their comfort levels, as we also work with men’s underwear on #ShopNTL!

Which of these infographics did you find was the most helpful to you? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below! You can also keep up with us on Facebook and Twitter for lots of updates, information, and shared content. Our Pinterest is where we found a lot of inspiration for this post, so please be sure to follow us there! Lastly, our YouTube channel has some great visual information on lingerie.




  • Lloyd Bronson

    Your infographic was incredibly beneficial in denoting what kind of lingerie to get when wearing certain dresses. I’ll send your article to my girlfriend. She’s interested in attending an event, but does not know what lingerie to get for the occasion.

  • admin

    Hello Lloyd,

    We’re happy to hear that you found it informative! We hope your girlfriend does too.


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