The world of lingerie can be daunting to some – but really, if you have a few tricks up your sleeve, it’s a fabulous, fun world!

So if you’re a newbie to lingerie or just want to learn everything about how exciting lingerie can be, we recommend checking out some of these videos with hacks, tips, and more!


11 Bra Hacks Every Woman Should Know – Boldly

Some “life hacks” can be so complicated, even the most crafty ladies shy away from them.

But these bra hacks – some of which we had never heard of before – are made simple with models actually demonstrating how they work! We love the easygoing, cheeky approach to this video, and can’t wait to try some of these hacks!


How To Fold And Organize Your Lingerie – Glamrs


You might be surprised about how improperly folding your lingerie can damage it. Also, we don’t all have the space to handle all of our lingerie, so what do you do?

Check out this short and sweet vid that shows you how to fold bras and underwear that are not only practical, even for small spaces, but will also help you avoid damaging your lingerie prematurely.


Ashley Graham Directs Women In Their First Lingerie Shoot – Glamour


Ashley Graham is the unofficial spokesperson of body confidence, and this collaboration with Glamour to help women feel sexy in their own lingerie photo shoots is a must-watch for anyone who needs a little pick me up.

You see the power these women take back by owning the parts of their bodies that make them the most insecure, as well as the power that watching other people embrace themselves can have on us – and how it affects Ashley Graham.
How To Fix Uneven Breasts – Now That’s Lingerie


We share this video all the time because of how many women we’ve helped with it.

Do you know that having uneven breasts is extremely common? That’s why we wanted to eliminate any insecurities you might have about thinking your uneven breasts were weird, AND show you how to make your breasts look even without drastic measures.


The Big Reveal: How Innerwear Became Outerwear – Lingerie Francaise

For you fashionistas who love a good history lesson, here’s a glimpse into why the lingerie as outerwear trend has become so prevalent.

You may be surprised to know that this isn’t a trend of the last couple years; exposing lingerie is part of a much bigger movement, and it started a lot longer than we’ve been around.

Which of these videos was your favorite?

Let us know in the comments below!

For more fun lingerie advice and tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Polyvore!

You can also check out our Youtube for the other lingerie videos we’ve done.

Until next time!




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