The way that you’re storing your lingerie right now could be damaging it – meaning it could be falling apart quicker than it should.
You also might have a small space or a tiny closet that makes it difficult to have a dedicated space for your treasured intimates. That’s why Pinterest is amazing!
We’ve collected so many different ways to organize your lingerie simply, affordably, and in ways that you can maximize whatever space you have. We even have a whole board dedicated to it!
So if you want to make sure your favorite lingerie pieces are well-kept – and hey, it can also make your space super cute – read on!
Simply Common, But Super Effective

You’ve probably seen lingerie organized similar to this, but we’re using this image for a reason.
You want your bras laying with the cups shaped the way they’re naturally formed. You never want to fold your cups in, because it’s going to distort the shape. Plus, with them all organized like this picture, you are organizing more efficiently, needing less space.
You can hunt your local thrift store for organizers, use cardboard (maybe painted a nice color) to DIY your own organizers, or check any home goods store for lingerie organizers. You want rectangles and squares to recreate this organization idea.
Reuse To Reorganize

Those handy shoe organizers that hang from your door can also be used to store your underwear!
We love the color coding done in this image, and we can only dream of having that much underwear!
You can find these organizers anywhere from the dollar store to Amazon and so many other places, and you can hide this in your closet or just behind your bedroom door – or wherever!
A Small Space Solution

This is such a cool find! We found this handy lingerie organizer that has a space for bras and underwear idea on Thoughts Above, but couldn’t find the exact model she showcased.
If you have minimal space in your closet, you can place your lingerie in this and voila! It’s stored properly and you’re not sacrificing space.
Shop the organizer pictured here on Amazon!
BONUS: Make Your Lingerie An Art Piece

Now we’re aware that this is probably a lingerie boutique, but it is just too darling not to share.
If you have space on your bedroom wall, why not find some cheap hangers at the dollar store or a thrift store and hang some of your most beautiful bras on your wall! It’s artistic and unique and can help utilize space in a very cool way.
Do you have any tips for organizing your lingerie!
Please share with us in the comments below!
For everything else you need to know about your lingerie, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.
Until next time,
All Bra Doctor’s Blog content is the sole property of Now That’s Lingerie, We do not authorize any republishing of our content for any reason, with or without credit.
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