When it comes to being confident in lingerie, there definitely isn’t a linear, easy path. It’s a journey we all have to go through to truly accept and embrace our bodies.
Our perceptions of ourselves are being fed more positivity lately due to the amazing changes that have been made in the lingerie industry. It’s much easier for us to see more of ourselves in advertisements and social media posts, making it easier for us to see that there truly is something for everyone in the world of lingerie.

Representation is important in everything, including lingerie. Whether we realize it or not, we take a lot from the images that we’re exposed to every day. When we’re not included, it doesn’t feel good.
Once you learn that there are options for you, the next step is to know what your true size really is. Not the size you want to be or the size you think you should be; the size you truly are right now. This is incredibly important not only in accepting that size doesn’t really matter for anything other than fit. When your lingerie fits, it makes a world of a difference in not only how you feel, but how it looks on your body and underneath clothing. That’s why we always talk about fit.

Now that you know the importance of options and size, the next is realizing that you deserve the lingerie you want. You deserve to have the sexy sets and the flirty outfits just as much as anyone else. It can be a daunting task to try and find lingerie that you love, which is why we are always here to help you. It’s not a world you have to navigate alone.

When you look in the mirror wearing your new lingerie, focus on what makes you feel good about what you’re wearing. We are really good at finding our “flaws” but we need to shift our focus to the things we love about ourselves. Look at how the lingerie complements your body. Play some fun music and dance around a little bit. Then close your eyes and focus on how the lingerie makes you feel. You should feel supported, comfortable, and secure.
Once again, it’s not always easy to feel confident in lingerie. We all have our bad days, and those definitely aren’t the days where you’ll want to go lingerie shopping. But knowing that you’re worth the effort to try is the first step on a journey to self-love.

What exercises do you use to feel confident in your lingerie?
Let us know in the comments below!
Yours In Lingerie,
Celine The Bra Doctor
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