Welcome to the fourth part of our new Love Yourself series. We believe in the power of lingerie and how it’s a tool to help people feel beautiful and confident in their own skin. Each part will focus on a particular body part that people can be insecure about, and how to embrace it with a little bit of help from lingerie.
You might be surprised to know that most of us have uneven breasts.
It’s just nature, and nature is not perfect. Maybe one breasts sags a little bit more than the other. Maybe one breast has more volume than the other. For some of us, the indifference isn’t noticeable. But for some, it’s a constant mental battle not to be bothered by it.
If you’re someone with uneven breasts, please know that you’re not alone. Many women have them, and you can’t change it without surgery. However, there are some lingerie tricks you can use when you need that little extra boost to feel more comfortable that day.
Bra Pads
There’s no more stuffing your bra with socks anymore.
These bra pads can add a size to the look of your breasts, which is very helpful for ladies who may have more of a noticeable different in the size of each breast. They just simply slip into your bra and voila!
Bras with Removable Padding

Naturana Underwired Lace Push Up Bra with Removable Pads; Loveswept Lacy Longline Strapless Bra with Removable Cookies by Blush Lingerie; Lele Lace Racerback Wireless Bra with Removable Padded Cups by Miel
A bra with removable padding can also be helpful to have, as you can slip your bra pads in there, or remove one of them.
These bras still have plenty of support with the padding removed, so you don’t have to worry about sacrificing that.
Contour Bras

Deco Y Back Front Closure Underwire Bra by Mod by Parfait; Cloud 9 Underwired Contour Lift Bra with Cushioned Straps by Warner’s; Marion Contour Padded Bra by Parfait Lingerie
A contour bra adds more of an even shape to the breast, which is fabulous for ladies with a slight difference in their breast size.
Plus, they are very soft and comfortable to wear throughout the day, so bonus!
Women have such a connection to their breasts for different reasons, and so it’s so important for us to come to terms with what we have and embrace it. There’s nothing wrong with getting a little bit of extra help from these products on bad days, but that doesn’t mean there’s no point in taking that journey to self love.
Is there a body part you’re insecure about? Let us know in the comments and we may make it the next focus of our Love Yourself series!
Keep up with the rest of the series and so much more by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Until next time,
All Bra Doctor’s Blog content is the sole property of Now That’s Lingerie, We do not authorize any republishing of our content for any reason, with or without credit.
For any and all inquiries regarding the Bra Doctor’s Blog, including permissions, contributions, and more, email alicia@nowthatslingerie.com.
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