The pandemic has caused many ups and downs and inconsistencies for all of us. Trying to stay healthy during this time can be a challenge, even though it’s one of the most important things we can do for ourselves.
Amidst all the chaos, you can find little ways to exercise at home, even if it’s just during the pockets of time you have in between working from home or making dinner. Not only can getting your body up and moving help you get in shape if that’s a goal of yours, but it can also ensure you don’t run the risk of developing pain issues due to staying sedentary, and it can do wonders for your mental health.
Set A Five Minute Timer

You might have to play with this idea depending on your work requirements, but aim for setting a timer to make yourself move around each hour or two for five minutes. This could just mean walking up and down the stairs, standing up and stretching, or lifting some small weights.
Working from home and lounging on the couch can leave us in one position for a long time, which isn’t good for our bodies. The goal is to get your body moving, especially on busy days when dedicated exercise time is not an option.
Utilize YouTube

It doesn’t matter what kind of working out you like to do, there is a YouTube video you can follow. Even if you don’t like working out but like to dance, for example, there are so many free videos you can access on YouTube.
It can be helpful to watch a video with fun music and someone encouraging you along the way, especially if motivation to work out is hard for you to find.
Start Small

Again, you don’t have to work out everyday doing a complicated routine if you do not have the time. While those workouts are perfectly acceptable, giving yourself even 10 minutes a day to do something simple that helps move your body and get your heart pumping is ideal.
Even a ten minute yoga routine or some stretching, or even freestyle movement to some music, is better than nothing. You would be surprised what even this small amount of movement can do for your energy levels and your mental clarity.
Get Creative

You don’t need to go out and buy thousands of dollars worth of fitness equipment to get an effective workout at home. You might just need to get a little bit creative with what you have.
For example, use some canned goods for some weights. Grab a sturdy chair, and you’ll find countless exercises you can do with the support of a chair. Play some fun music and dance while you’re doing the dishes or sweeping the floor.
What ways have you found to get active at home lately?
Share with us in the comments below!
Until next time,
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